“Devil, you need to listen to him.”

“Lex, stay the fuck out of this. I’m sick and tired of my fucking men thinking they can do whatever shit they want.”

She didn’t recognize the female’s voice. However, she was never going to forget Devil. Sasha never wanted to meet him down a dark alley.

Silence met his outburst.

“Oh, boss, you’re so not getting laid tonight,” Pussy said. She loved the way he teased. His voice changed, became lighter somehow.

“Shut the fuck up,” Devil said.

“Why should he shut up? He’s right. You’re so not getting near me tonight.”

The noise of someone walking away met her ears. She tensed in her seat.

“Shit, Lex, I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. I don’t give a fuck what this Gonzalez guy is doing. You’re better than him, and yet you’re behaving like this.” Lex let out a growl. “He’s got you and Tiny torn apart. Stop behaving like children in a playground and start seeing this as men. I’m not raising two kids on my own.”

A door slammed, and Sasha tensed.

“It’s okay, baby. Boss lady just left, and boss man is so not getting any sex tonight.”

“I mean it, Pussy.Don’tfucking push me on this.”

More noise and she imagined Devil had sat down.

“What’s going on?” Pussy asked.

“I can’t tell you in front of her.”

“She’s the reason we’re here, Devil. Look, if you don’t want me to make a claim on her then tell me,” Pussy said. He stayed behind her giving her shoulders a little squeeze.

“Would you still stay in the club?” Devil asked.

“No, I’d leave. She can’t go back to that monster. I won’t allow it.”

“Can I speak plainly?” Devil asked.


“No, I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to her.”

The conversation went on around her. Frustration gnawed at her. “What?” she asked.

“You’re blind, love. You’re a liability. It sounds to me your stepfather has big plans for you as well as your mother, and I’ve not met the bastard.” She shuddered at the thought. “You could get us all killed. You can’t have our backs or help us fight.”


“No, Pussy. Judi can shoot, Lex can fight, and Mia can certainly take care of herself. No one has a chance against Phoebe. She’d kill you in a heartbeat if threatened. Your woman, she can’t do anything.”

Sasha tensed. Therewasnothing she could do.

“She’s mine, Devil. I don’t give a fuck what she can do. You know as well as I do that you’d avoid Lex hurting anyone. Ripper would tear anyone apart for hurting Judi, and Curse would make sure Mia was always protected.” Pussy’s anger was starting to show through. The teasing was long gone.

“You’re asking us to protect a woman who cannot take care of herself.”

A chair scraped along the floor. She squeezed her legs together, trapping her hands between her thighs. The sudden sounds terrified her.