He frowned. “How would you know that?”
“I’ve lost my dad, remember? It doesn’t take a genius to know that you and your friend were involved.”
Letting out a sigh, he swished the blade in the water before sliding the blade across the side of her pussy. He was almost done.
“I fucked Ashley often. We were best friends, but she didn’t expect anything from me. I shared shit with her that I didn’t with anyone else.”
“Why didn’t you marry her?” she asked.
Pussy chuckled. “If you knew Ashley, you would know she wasn’t the marrying kind.” Thinking about Ashley in white didn’t sit well with him. She didn’t want to get married. Ashley didn’t trust in men. She trusted in the rules of the club and Devil. “She fuckedall theclub. Ashley wasn’t a one man woman.”
“Were you okay with that?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want anything else from her. I’m not the jealous type.”However, when it comes to you, I refuse to share.
There would be no way he’d leave her alone with other men from the club. None of the boys would take advantage of her, but Sasha was his woman.
“Really?You sound like a lot of women’s ideal man.”
He laughed. “I doubt that, baby. I’m not the jealous type, and I will not be told what I can and cannot do. I refuse to pick a woman to settle down with.”
“It must be nice not having to worry about your life,” she said.
Pussy frowned. He finished her pussy and wiped her clean. “How come you never got a dog?”
“Youknow,the dogs that help blind people to get around.”
Sasha’s hands moved to her stomach. “Kenneth wouldn’t get one for me. He spread a rumor around town that I was terrified of them.”
“Don’t you think it’s strange he’s trying to isolate you from everything you’ve ever known?” Pussy hated this man the more he found out.
“I’m blind. My mom adores him. I don’t see a point in arguing with him. He’s made of money, and I wasn’t going to let my mom be unhappy.”
“Yet, with him she’s become a pill popping alcoholic?”
Running his fingers across the smooth lips of her sex, Pussy felt his cock harden. She was so fucking beautiful.
“You don’t know her.”
“You’ve got to be careful.”
“I’m always careful.”
He chuckled. “You’re alone with me, Sasha. I wouldn’t say you’re careful.” Getting to his feet, he stared down at her body. “I’m going to clean this away.”
Pussy left her alone. In the bathroom, he cleaned away the mess he made and stared at his reflection in the cracked mirror.
What the fuck are you doing?
He was losing his mind. Sasha had dominated his thoughts from the first moment they met, and they’d not even seen each other. Staring at her in the diner, he thought she could see. Later on, when he found her left alone he’d found out the truth.
Don’t mess with her.
Devil’s words ran through his head.“Don’tfucking interrupt me. This girl, you’ve taken her away from her family and telling me you’re not letting her back to the people who can protect her? Please, tell me, Pussy, if that’s not laying fucking claim to her, what is?”
He couldn’t let her go back to that monster of a stepfather.