“I can’t answer that right now, boss. She means something.”
“You want to fuck her?”
“Then this is going to start causing problems,” Devil said.
“I’ve wanted to fuck other women before. None of them have ever been a problem.”
“Are you being fucking stupid on purpose? None of the other women you’ve fucked have forced you to take this next step. You took this girl—”
“Woman,” Pussy said, interrupting Devil’s rant.
“Don’tfucking interrupt me. Thisgirl, you’ve taken her away from her family and telling me you’re not letting her back to the people who can protect her? Please, tell me, Pussy, if that’s not laying fucking claim to her, what is?”
He remained silent, seeing Devil’s logic.
Watching her suck on the straw of her milkshake sent Pussy’s cock into overdrive. Fuck, this woman didn’t have a clue how hot she was.
“Are you going to answer me?”
“Yeah, I’m laying claim to her. There’s something else that you might want to get Whizz to have a look at.”
“What is it now?” Devil asked.
“I was talking with Sasha, and she mentioned that her stepfather Kenneth was having meetings with an Italian guy. She can’t give us anything more as she can’t see.”
“What’s this got to do with anything? Whizz is busy as it is trying to find ways of bringing Gonzalez down.”
Running fingers through his hair, Pussy watched a couple of men staring at his woman. Starting toward her, he spoke quickly.
“An Italian in meetings with one of the men on the town council, Devil.That strikes me as odd, especially with Gonzalez throwing his weight around. It’s too much of a coincidence not to think of the two together,” Pussy said.
The two men saw him and moved in the opposite direction. Sasha didn’t give any notice of him being closer to her. She looked happy. Every now and then she’d smile and look up to the sky. She took his breath away with her openness of enjoying life. How much had Kenneth taken from her? He didn’t think the bastard had raped her or touched her, but he couldn’t be sure of anything.
“Fuck, you’re right. I’ll get Whizz looking into everything. This shit is really starting to bug me. Stay out of town tonight and we’ll deal with the other shit tomorrow morning. Make sure your woman is on board with whatever plan you’ve got in place.”
“Will do.Let me know if Whizz finds anything out. I don’t want to be kept waiting.”
Devil agreed before hanging up.
“Hey, babe.”
She turned her head and stared at his stomach. “Hey, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, how’s your milkshake?”
“Good. Do you want some?”
Sasha offered up some shake for him.
“No, I’m good.”
He took a seat beside her on the bench. “Wow, you seem a little put out. Did your phone call not go so well?” she asked.
“We can’t go back to Piston County tonight. Your stepfather caused a few problems. We’ll wait ‘til tomorrow and I’ll take you back.”
“No, you’re going to have to take me back. I don’t want you getting into trouble.”