“Sure.” He gave her back her burger, and they started eating.

Her curiosity built inside her as he stopped talking and ate.

“What is it like?” she asked.

“Eating pussy?” Her cheeks had to be bright red. They were hot to the touch. Her curiosity was going to get her in a lot of trouble one day, if it hadn’t already.

“I don’t know what it’s like. I’ve never had a pussy to be eaten.”

She giggled, shaking her head. “You’re making this harder for me.”

“No, baby, I’m making sure you know that I eat pussy. I don’t have one.”

“Okay. I knew that.”

“Baby, eat your burger and then we’ll talk more when I get you safe.”

She wanted to argue, but what more could she say? Pussy was the one in control of this conversation, not her.

Chapter Four

Staring up at the sky, Pussy knew he needed to make a call to Devil and his brothers. Glancing behind him, he saw Sasha still remained on the bench where he’d put her drinking her milkshake. From the steakhouse, he rode for the next hour to try to clear his head. With Sasha’s legs cradling his body, he’d not been able to think at all. Shit, Devil was going to be completely pissed with him.

Now was not the time to start a fight with one of the men in town who could cause them a lot of problems. Pulling out his cell phone, he saw over ten missed calls from the clubhouse alone. Shit, Kenneth must have seen Sasha was missing.

He couldn’t send her back to the bastard who hurt her. There was no way he’d do it, not even if Devil ordered him to.

His cell phone went off. Keeping his gaze on Sasha, he accepted the call.

“Where thefuck haveyou been?” Devil asked, his voiceraisedto a shout. “We’ve had the fucking cops around here looking for you. Rumor is you’ve stolen a woman, Kenneth Carmichael’s blind, fucking stepdaughter. What the fuck have you got to say about that?”

Pussy went to open his mouth. Devil didn’t give him chance to respond.

“I told you to stay out of fucking sight. We need to stay clean and you go off with a woman who can put you in fucking jail.”

“She’s twenty, boss. The girl I’m with is twenty, and the guy who’s so concerned about her, caused her to be fucking blind.” Pussy glanced back up at the sky. Maybe going straight to heaven or hell would be better than facing his president.

“You’re certain.”

“I’m not sending her back to Piston County to the fucker who hurt her. If this was Lexie, you would have done the same, or to Judi.”

Devil cursed.“Fuck, why can’t we ever do shit that’s simple?”

“I think The Skulls are cursed. Ever since we started to visit them, our lives have turned to shit.”

“Shut up,” Devil yelled.

Pussy winced, moving the phone away from his ear.

“I think for tonight it would be best if you checked into a hotel or something. Don’t come back here today. It’s only going to cause problems.”

“Will do.”

“Is this what I think it is?” Devil asked.

“I don’t know. What do you think it is?” Pussy tried to be vague in his response.

“Are you going to fuck this girl? Turn her into your old lady?” Devil sounded tired once again. The shit with Gonzalez was really starting to wear thin.