“Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not sure. I’m not sure of anything right now. We were only supposed to be having lunch.”

Her hands shook. She felt the tremors.

“Stop worrying.”

“I can’t help it. Is this what you do with all the women you take out to dinner?” she asked.

“No. Most of the women end up in my bed and I eat out their pussy.”

She gasped. “What?”

“You heard me, Sasha.”

“You eat out women’s pussies? Is that some kind of carnivore reference?” She frowned. Pussy didn’t sound like the kind of person to eat people, let alone women. Was eating out pussy porn or something?

“You’re a virgin?” he asked.

“It’s not hard to guess that I am. I’ve never been around enough men to want to sleep with me.”

Silence met her words.

“Have I said the wrong words?”

“I want to fuck you,” he said.

She licked her lips. “Did I hear you correctly?”

Squeezing her legs together, she tried to relieve the ache that was building inside her.

“Yes, you heard me correctly.”

“Wow, this conversation has changed tack. One moment we’re talking about killing people, then Kenneth, now sex.” She liked talking a lot more than she liked silence. There were times when she was home that she’d lie down on her bed, listening to classical music, anything to stop herself from listening to the silence, knowing there was nothing she could do about it.

Pussy chuckled.

“So the, erm, eating pussy reference was about sex, not eating people?”

His chuckle turned into a full blown laugh. “Babe, you’re cracking me up. You really are completely innocent.”

“I went blind before I could look porn up on the ‘net. They don’t exactly have sex books in Braille for me to read.”

He stopped laughing, and the moment he did, she missed the sound.

“You don’t have to stop laughing. It’s funny, even if I don’t know what you’re laughing at.” She shrugged, offering him a smile.

“You’ve got the prettiest, sweetest smile I’ve ever seen,” he said, catching her off guard.

“Thank you.”

“Shit, I’m turning into a pussy now. Fuck, no, why don’t you listen to books? They do them on audio now or so I’ve heard.”

She shook her head. “All purchases have to go through Kenneth. He won’t let me have books.”

Pussy still held onto her arms.

“I’m getting hungry again. Can I finish eating my food?” She didn’t want him to let her go, but she didn’t have a choice.