“What does he look like?” he asked.

“I don’t fucking know. Blind remember?”

“Shit, sorry.” Could Kenneth be working for Frederick? Shit, today was only supposed to be about getting out of Piston County.


Sasha smiled. Did he know how sweet he was?

“You’ve no need to be sorry. A lot of people forget about it, even my mom.” She tried her best to reassure him.

“It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t have to go through something like that. It’s not right.”

She really wished she knew what he looked like. From being next to him, she knew he was tall. Was he taller than Kenneth? She didn’t know. In her mind she pictured Pussy with messy blond hair, which he never brushed. Bed hair, she believed they called it. He had to have tattoos. Every biker had to have them. She wondered what pictures or words they wore.

“Why do you go by Pussy and not Shane?” she asked.

“You’re a curious little devil, aren’t you?”

“I’ve got a lot of things in life to be curious about. You intrigue me.” She rested her face on her hand, wondering if she was even meeting his eyes. Did he have brown, ocean blue, green, or hazel colored eyes?

There was so much she wanted to know about him.

“I intrigue you?”

“Yeah.I’ve heard how bikers are supposed to be rough, tough, and mean, yet I think you’re sweet, possibly the sweetest man I’ve ever known,” she said, smiling.

He made a gagging sound. “Babe, don’t go around telling people I’m sweet. I’ll lose my reputation.”

She giggled as something was placed on the table. Pulling back, she squeezed her hands together to help ground her. Sudden noise always alarmed her.

“I hope you enjoy your food,” the woman said.

Was the waitress eyeing Pussy up?

“Thanks, doll,” Pussy said. Seconds passed, and Sasha tried to hear everything she could.

“Noise and movement around you unnerve you, don’t they?” he asked.

He touched her hand and slowly slid her fingers over the plate. “This is the burger. Let me know when you want it. Here are some fries.”

There he was again being all sweet with her food.“Erm, thank you.Yes, sudden movement or noise upsets me. I don’t know what’s going on, and not being able to see freaks me out,” she said.

Silence fell once again. She picked up a couple of fries and started to eat.

“Why are you not freaking out more about your condition?” he asked.

“I’ve had it over four years. It’s hard to freak out anymore. I just get frustrated about what I can and can’t do.” She stopped talking to eat.

“Is it permanent?” Pussy asked.

“In the beginning the doctors were unsure, as with alltraumait carries risks. Now, I’m permanent. I’ll never be able to see again. I think they said there was too much damage to my nerves or something. I was still reeling from being told I would never see again. I didn’t pay much attention.” She’d gotten used to not being able to see. There was still a tiny spark of hope that maybe one day that would all change, or at least some new wonder drug or maybe even surgery would change it. She didn’t expect it to. “Could you pass me my burger?”

“Sure.” He placed the burger in her hands.

“This is huge.”

“It won’t be the only thing you think is huge.” The words came out as a mumble, but she caught them.