“I don’t have anyone to tell anything to.”
“What happened to your friends? You can’t tell me you weren’t liked?”
“After the accident that caused this,” she touched her face, “I was pulled out of school. I’ve been taught at home. The school didn’t have any way of supporting a blind person. I’ve been taught by tutors.”
Pussy frowned. Her stepfather was pulling her away from everyone she knew.
“What about your mother?” he asked.
Sasha laughed. The sound was harsh and brittle. “A couple of years ago I’d have said she was amazing. Now, she finds love at the bottom of the bottle and some pills. She’s not the best person to talk to right now, and she loves Kenneth.” She leaned her chin on her palm. Her gaze was on his chest. He didn’t know what to say to her.
She was a nicely rounded woman, curvy in all the right places. From what he saw, he knew she had a nice, large set of tits that would fill his hands. Her hips were large, and she had a rounded stomach.
“Where’s your father?”
He wanted to know everything about her.
“He died in action, in Afghanistan. Mom met Kenneth a year or so afterward, and then they married not long after that.” She traced a pattern on the table with her other hand. “Why do you want to know about my family?”
“You’ve not got much family, but I wanted to see what was happening in your life.”
Pussy paused as the waitress handed them their drinks. “We’ve not looked over the menu yet.”
“No problem, honey, take your time. Hold your hand up or holler when you want serving.” The waitress didn’t stick around. Keeping his gaze on Sasha, Pussy wondered what she was thinking.
“Why do you want to know? I’m not that important.”
“You’re important to me,” he said.
She let out a gasp.
“You’ve not always been blind?” he asked, directing the conversation elsewhere.
“No, I’ve not. How have you been since you lost your friend?”
Her question caught him by surprise. Thinking about Ashley upset him.
“She died, and there’s no changing that.” He rubbed his palms down his legs.
“Do you blame yourself?”
“Yes, I do.” Pussy wasn’t going to lie to her. He didn’t want to. Was this what Ripper and Curse went through with their women? Devil seemed to change overnight with Lexie.
“She did something for the club and died for it. Ashley didn’t deserve to be killed, but when I get the bastard responsible, I’ll kill him.”
He watched her tense.
“Are you afraid of me?” he asked.
Sasha didn’t answer him. He watched her frown, but seconds later she shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
“No, are you insane? I just told you I’d kill a man for killing my friend, and you’re not afraid.”
She ran a hand across the table. “I don’t get you. Do you want me to be afraid of you, or do you want me to trust you?”
Letting out a sigh, he rubbed a hand across his face. “I’m sorry. Thinking about Ashley makes me mad, and I don’t know what I’m saying.”