She dropped her head down. This was a mistake. She shouldn’t have come.

“Fuck. You know what? Let’s go and eat, and you can tell me your story. We’re not leaving here until I get it.”


Frederick Gonzalez stared at Kenneth Carmichael. The fucker was all about the money. He didn’t care about Piston County or the life of his family; all he wanted was money. Devil didn’t have a clue that Frederick had more than one person working for him. Kenneth gave him what he needed, an inside look into the running of the town. He’d been able to put one of his men on the town council who made decisions. In one of the old warehouses, he’d bought the property for half the cost and was now using it as a coke making plant.

Gonzalez was all about the business and the money. Small towns were the best place to start his organization. Cops were bought as they all needed the extra cash because there was no work. Fort Wills were falling in line, and he’d placed his men in the force. Whenever Tiny didn’t do as he was told, his men would go into the clubhouse and make them hurt. The last raid that Frederick ordered to happen had taken their kids off them. The Skulls were all about the family, and it was because of that family that Frederick got his own way.

“One of the apartment blocks is the perfect place for you to set up girls. Pay the cops off and they can get the money you need for the girls,” Kenneth said.

“When all this is over, what are you going to do?” Frederick asked, curious about the man he was doing business with.

Mingling with his staff and being part of the running of the business was why he was so successful. His own father had gotten lazy with the running of the business and things had started to slide. Nothing was going to slide while Frederick remained a threat.

“My wife, Penny, has a daughter. She’s blind and a pain in the ass, but nothing can happen to her. When I’m ready to leave, the daughter is going to meet with a fucking accident. She’s been a thorn in my side for too fucking long. I want her out of the way, but I don’t want my wife to know. She still fucking loves her. When it’s all over I’ll make sure she gets off the bottle and pills and stays completely dependent on me. She’ll do to amuse me for a nice long retirement. With Sasha out of the picture, her mother will depend on me for comfort, and I intend to be there when she needs me,” Kenneth said, counting the notes as he stacked them in his briefcase.

Kenneth hadn’t come from money, and he wasn’t even part of the elite in Piston County. He was a criminal who’d learned how to defraud people, and that business had grown to being the messenger for Gonzalez.

Frederick was happy to help a man with a business mind.

“So your wife doesn’t have a clue about any of your plans to relocate after her daughter’s death?”

“She doesn’t know. Sasha’s the kind of girl everyone likes. The only way to get rid of her is to make it look like an accident. I don’t want anyone pointing the finger at me. In time, Penny will see we don’t need kids to be happy. She’ll see how perfect we are together. I’ll keep her in her place.” Kenneth rubbed his hands together.

Tapping his leg, Frederick wondered what his next move should be with Chaos Bleeds. The two MC clubs were like his new toys. He told them to jump, and they had no choice but to say how high. Frederick wondered how much he could push before they all started to crack.

Chapter Three

Finding a booth in the back, Pussy kept hold of Sasha’s hand to make sure she didn’t trip or fall. He needed to stem his anger, as otherwise he was going to lose it. From the first moment he saw Kenneth, he’d hated the bastard, and now, knowing he’d hurt Sasha, he wanted to hurt him. No man should scare a woman, especially his stepdaughter.

Seating her inside the booth, he slid opposite her. She kept her palms down on the table, and he noticed she bit her lip. Her eyes were wide as she glanced around. The noise in the steakhouse was small, but she looked nervous.

Reaching out, he placed his palm over her hand. “There’s no need to be nervous. I’m here, and I won’t leave you, not even to take a piss.”

The waitress walked to the table.

“Hello, can I take your order?” The waitress popped gum. Her stomach was swollen, and she was clearly pregnant as she rubbed her stomach affectionately.

“I’ll have a strong, black coffee. What do you want, babe?” he asked.

“Can I have a soda?” Sasha’s voice was small.

“Sure thing.I’ll be back after you’ve had time to peruse the menu.” The woman wrote their orders down then left.

“Do you want me to read the menu to you?” he offered, gripping the menu in one hand as he held her other hand.

“You’d do that for me?”

“How else would you know what to eat if I didn’t?” he asked, frowning.

“Kenneth doesn’t give me chance to order my own food. I eat what he orders.”

Gritting his teeth, Pussy gazed down at the menu. His fist was about to get an appointment in Kenneth’s fucking face. The more he heard about the uptight bastard, the more he hated him.

“I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“Who should youbetelling instead of me?” he asked, staring at her face. Fuck, she was so beautiful. Her skin was pale, and her dark brown hair shone as the sun glided over the strands. The thick length looked silky. He wanted to wrap the length around his wrist and tug on it. Would she gasp or cry out? His cock hardened at the thought of her on her knees taking his cock. He’d pull on her hair as he rammed inside her, going as deep as he could.