Page 81 of Entwined (Monarch)

“Wait. First, did you get the money?” Jenny asked.

“Yes. Got it in my bag right now.”

“That’s a relief,” she said, down to business and always looking out for me.

“Okay, so what’d the slimeball have to say?” Audrey asked.

I could visualize all their minds exploding before their mouths finally caught up when I told them he wanted another chance. When the cacophony calmed down so I could get a word in, I said, “You guys gotta talk one at a time. All I heard was a few ‘fuck him’ and a ‘you gotta be kidding me?’ I couldn’t make out any of the rest of it.”

“I said fuck him,” Audrey spat.

“Me too.”

“Me three.”

“Okay, so, you’re all in agreement there.” They were loyal to the last.

“I’m going first,” Audrey declared. “What does he mean he wants you back? How’s that supposed to work in his deluded, fucked up, little world?”

“Let me finish the rest of the story, and that will make sense.”

“Fine, proceed,” Lauren instructed.

“Please don’t interrupt until I’m done. Okay?” They all agreed halfheartedly. I finished without any more interruptions. “Okay. Now, I’m done,” I said.

“Don’t do it,” Audrey warned. “Once a cheater, always a cheater.”

“That’s not true,” Lauren countered. I wasn’t sure if she was defending Tim or trying to console me.

“I agree,” Jenny said.

“With whom?”

“With Lauren. Some people cheat once and never do again. They learn their lesson. Some people just keep on cheating. Who knows why?”

“This is so not helping me.” I held my head in my hand.

“What you need to do is find out if it was one time or not,” Jenny suggested.

“And how am I going to do that?”

“You just gotta bite the bullet and ask him flat out.”

“Yep,” Lauren agreed.

“Audrey?” I asked. “What do you think?”

“I don’t give a fuck what he says. I say you forget about him and ditch his sorry ass like the fuckwad he is. Michael’s hot. He’s into you. You’re into him. And what does Tim have? Nothing. Nothing but baggage and bad memories.” Her words were harsh but true.

I hung up with the girls and dialed Tim’s number before I lost my nerve.

“Hi, you.” I could hear his smile through the phone. “I’m glad you called. I can’t stop thinking about you, about us. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon, but I’m glad you did.”

I cleared my throat. “Look, Tim—”

“Oh, no. I don’t like the sound of this.” I heard him sigh.

“I need to ask you something.”