Page 69 of Entwined (Monarch)

“Yes, way!”

“I don’t think so, Mosby.”

“And why not?”

“Well, for one, she’s got her own goals and dreams.”


“And she’s going back to San Francisco soon. Two, she’s not the type to let a man get in her way or let someone else call the shots on her future.”

“Okay, so she knows what she wants.”


“And she’s not going to let any man, no matter how charming he may be, stop her.”


“Yep. Sorry to break it to you, but you’ve definitely more than met your match.”

I realized she was right. “Fuck me.” I let my head fall onto the back of the chair.

“Pretty much. I can’t wait to meet her.” Mosby’s warm chuckle vibrated through the phone.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m not sure where things will even go. And the thing is, I’m not sure where I want them to.”

“That’s something you’d better figure out. You can’t screw things up for the business, so you’d better be careful. Not to mention, you don’t want to get hurt.”

“I’m not going to get hurt.”

“Okay, Mr. Macho. Nothing gets through that hard heart of yours. Do you want to hurther?”

“No! Christ. Why would I want that?”

“I’m not saying you do. But the fact you’re so passionate in your response... Well, you’d better make sure you’re upfront with her and do everything in your power not to hurt her.”

“Fuck. This is too much to deal with.”

“It’s called, being in a—”

“Don’t even say it!” I warned her. I knew what she was going to say.Relationship. But I wasn’t in one. I wasn’t even looking to be in one. I just wanted cool and casual. A no strings attached kind of thing.Really, Michael?

“Whatever, Michael.Nowyou’re a pussy.”

“Bite me.”

“Um, hard pass. But, regardless, you better figure it out before you take her to San Francisco.”

“I’m not taking her. It’s business.”

Mosby laughed. “Call it whatever the hell you want. You finagled a way to get her alone, away from the winery, away from her comfort zone. You’re taking a woman you’ve got feelings for on a trip. The only difference is, there is a bit of business to deal with now that you’ve brought Jax on board. Man, he’s gonna bust your balls about this for years to come.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“You’re gonna owe him so big. I just hope she’s worth it.”

I sighed. “She is.” Mos was right. I was captivated by everything about Siena. I had cunningly maneuvered all of this to get her alone. The only thing to figure out now was where she stood and how she felt about me.