“We’re marrying, peaches. Like it or not.”

She starts pacing and yelling and I finally tell her the thing that has been growing inside of my mind every day, the thing that started the first time we ever made love.

“What about the baby?”

“Baby?” She whirls around to look at me like I've lost my mind and not pacing anymore. “What baby?”

“The one that could be growing inside of you right at this moment since we’ve been fucking like rabbits and haven’t once used anything.”

She pales and gets a look on her face like she might pass out because of what I just said.

“I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want that to be the reason you agreed to marry me.”

“What?” Her voice isn’t very loud and she still has that lost look on her face.

“I don’t want you marrying me because of a baby. But I do want to marry you and have a baby - a family. A big one.”

“No.” She starts shaking her head and trembling. “No. No. No! How could you? How could I? What have we done? Why aren’t you freaking out about this? Why aren’t you…?” She pauses whatever it is she's going to ask and spins on her heels. “I have to get some air.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“No! I…I’ll stay on the porch or the back patio. I…I need air and some time.”

She’s gone so fast I can’t say another word before the door slams shut. I don’t like how final it sounds and even though she told me not to follow, I have no choice but to go after her.

But when I open the door it’s to find someone I wasn’t even thinking about, someone who shouldn’t be here at all. I pull myself up short, so I don’t plow into the last woman on Earth I want to talk to. Delilah.

“What the hell are you doing here?” It takes me a long time to spot the gun she is holding in her hand. “What the hell?”

“Why, Wyatt? Why can’t you just see we are meant to be together? Forever. Why can’t you understand what I would do to have you? Why don’t you understand how we are meant to be with one another?”

“I don’t know, you psycho. Maybe because you fuck everything with a dick, and you don’t seem to think there is anything wrong with that.”

“Don’t slut shame, Wy.”

“No!” I shout the word completely done with this and with her. “This goes way beyond slut shaming, you gaslighting bitch. This is about faithfulness and being one, instead of one and others. This is about love, Delilah, and I don’t love you. I love Callie.”

“Well, you’ll have to find someone new to love, Wyatt, after Charlie gets done with your little peach.”

Her words have icy fingers of fear wrapping themselves around my heart. I make a move to go around her, but she reminds me of the gun she’s holding.

“Uh uh uh.” She waves it around like it’s nothing more than a toy.

“You’re crazy if you think waving a gun at me is going to keep me from Callie. You’re gonna have to empty that thing in me and reload before I’ll stop going for the woman I love.”

Delilah narrows her eyes and cocks her head like she’s thinking about it before raising the weapon, “I’m okay with that. After all, if I can’t have you…”

She takes aim right at my chest but before she can squeeze the trigger, Callie comes through the window bringing the sound of broken glass and busted wood into the room with her. She hits Delilah in the back, taking both women to the ground. The gun goes flying across the room no longer a threat to anyone anymore.

Both women go rolling across the floor before Callie comes up over Delilah and punches her in the face. Delilah cries out and tries to grab her nose but Callie has a tight grip on her wrist keeping her from raising her hand.

“You can’t have him…because he’s mine, you heinous bitch!” She punches her again and this time Delilah isn’t moving anymore. "I guess I am possessive after all."

Delilah's face is bloody from the two punches my girl delivered to her and I start to walk over to her so I can help her up off the woman who has seemingly gone absolutely psycho.

The front door bounces open before I reach her and the guard, I guess his name is Charlie if Delilah can be believed, steps over the threshold holding a knife in one of his hands. He’s just as bloodied as Delilah and a sense of pride swells in my chest at the thought that my girl kicked his ass too. He takes a step towards my Peaches and everything in my head shuts off.

This is the mother fucker who shot at the woman I love.