His words finally sink in, and I realize I am in a thin, damp cloth while more and more people flood in. Not only that, but I finally start feeling some of the effects of the fight I was in, my hip throbbing and my head hurting.

“Out! Everyone get the fuck out! She’s in nothing but a fucking towel! Get out!”

“Sir, we need to process the room. Find out if this man left anything we can use to find out his identity.” The bastard was in a ski mask and I didn't recognize who he was, damn it. Another reason I should have just followed him to find out.

“Fine! You do what you need to… we’ll leave.”

He surprises a yelp out of me by sitting me down only long enough to put me over his shoulder, his hand on the back of my butt the only thing holding my towel down so it doesn’t go flying up and show the room my ass. I grab the top to make sure it is securely knotted, and that the girls are still covered.

Before I wasn’t concerned at all about my state of near-nakedness, but now…especially since Wyatt has his hands on me, I am hyperaware of it.

“Wh…what the hell do you think you are doing?” I settle on being angry more than anything else I am feeling concerning his touch. It seems safer.

“Keeping you safe -and covered- damn it! Something you seem to be horrible at.”

He plops me on a mattress and has me bouncing. You can’t really be badass when you’re bouncing on a fucking mattress. I catch his eyes and realize he looks just as mad as I am.

“I cannot fucking believe…” he spins away from me and starts pacing before coming back over to me, highly agitated. “Jesus Christ, you're bleeding, sweetheart.”

His words shock me enough to make me momentarily forget that I’m sitting on his bed in nothing but a towel. I reach up where my head has been throbbing and my fingers come away covered in blood making my belly do a funky somersault that I have to breathe through in order not to let him see my concern and fear. If it was bad, I would be seeing double, having stars in front of my eyes, and much worse. So, it’s not as bad as he’s making it out to be. At least, that is what I tell myself.

He comes back with a washcloth and gingerly dabs the side of my head until he can look at the wound. By the time my brother comes in causing me to pop up off the bed, Wyatt has bandaged me up and put me in one of his shirts, which is better than a towel but not by much. “Are you okay, sis?”

I answer without nodding since I’m afraid that might make my head start throbbing again. “I am. Did we get him?”

He shakes his head no. “But you’re sure it was a man.”

“Yes. Even a larger woman would have…,” I search for the right words without sounding like an asshole, “it was a man for sure.”

“I want security raised and her moved to a different room. One closer to me.”

“What? No. I’ll…I’m fine. I’ll be alright. This might even be a good thing.”

My brother is shaking his head again but I doubt it’s to agree with me. “He’s right. Moving closer wouldn’t be a bad idea. We’ve gotten some…intel that you might be a target now too.”

“What?! Why? That doesn’t make any sense.” I look between the two men hoping for an answer. “I’m not famous.”

“We think…it was alluded to…it being because you’re the girlfriend.”

“What?” I sit back down on the bed for the first time not caring what I am sitting on.

“Whoever this sick fuck is, he wants to hurt Wyatt as much as possible. If that means attacking the lady on his arm, so be it.”

“Why the hell wasn’t I told about this? How long have you known?”

“A few days. We’ve been monitoring your incoming mail and emails with the help of Bruce and thought it might have been an idle threat but was going to bring it up at our next meeting…” He leaves off because we all know what happened before we could have that meeting…tomorrow. “That’s it. Your little ass is going in the room right next to mine. With a connecting door.”

“I don’t think…”

“It’s not a bad idea.”

“What?!” My brother’s words have my mouth falling open and the question coming out in a higher voice than I normally have. I can’t believe what I am hearing.

“If he attacks one of you, he’ll have to deal with the one he isn’t attacking. If Wyatt…”

“Hadn’t thought of this stupid girlfriend idea in the first place, none of this would have ever happened. You are so right about that, brother dear. But he did and now we’re still going to listen to his dumb ideas? Really?”

My brother tries again but I just mow over him. “And let’s not forget how he so helpfully told his ex-girlfriend that I worked as his security even though I was supposed to be undercover. As she so thoughtfully told everyone standing around…I’m ‘the help’. I mean what are we in? The fifties? But he did it anyway. Blowing my cover and…”