

I put the earpiece in like I have the last two times we’ve been at these things. Bruce isn’t in the limo with us this time though. It’s been weird being Wyatt’s dress-up doll over the past few days. It’s disconcerting how much attention he pays me when we’re at these things too. I don’t like it. It makes me feel…off.

Wyatt is an impressive man and it would be really easy for me to lose my head around him and let all the attention he is giving me go to my head. Especially the flirty way he touches the small of my back and smiles at me when the cameras are out. But when we are at his house, things are different. It’s not that he doesn’t flirt but the intensity is…less. Not as intense.

Not that I want him to act all…possessive and like I actually belong to him.

“So, this is going to be a little different than normal.”

“Different? Different how?”

Before he can tell me, our limo pulls up in the line. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

I give him a tiny smile. “Not tonight.”

“I should take care of that then.” One of his hands comes up to touch my face, brushing against my cheek and tipping my chin up before he pulls me a little closer. I slide easily on the bench seat to him because of the silk of my dress making it even easierfor him to bring me closer to him. His lips come down on mine surprising me. I gasp and he takes advantage by surging in. It takes me a few seconds to realize his tongue is in my mouth. When I do, he’s already tilting my head just the right way for him to surge in again and use his tongue to play with mine.

I tentatively touch his back hoping he doesn’t realize I’ve never done this before. It isn’t like I got a lot of practice when I was ‘younger’ since my father and brother were gun-toting police officers. The one boy I had a crush on got pulled over by my father once and he wouldn’t look at me again.

He finally pulls back but I keep my eyes shut so I don’t have to look at the expression on his face if it’s bad. Eventually, I feel the car move again and realize we’re seconds away from someone opening the door for us. Wyatt runs his thumb along my bottom lip and I’m giving a big thanks to the makeup girl for using the stuff that doesn’t smear or come off for hours. I’ve got to remember to thank her when I see her next.

Wyatt takes my hand and helps me out of the car before placing his hand on the bare skin of my lower back. Bruce comes up to us having already arrived. I go through the same routine I’ve adopted for all the red carpets. I keep my eyes on the people trying to get close to Wyatt and make sure I stay in constant contact with my brother. But unlike every time before, I turn to smile at one of the photographers and lose Wyatt.

When I find him, he’s standing with another group of actors talking to a tall blonde that I think I remember him dating at one point in his career. One of the other ladies that are coming down the carpet stops to speak to Bruce who is standing by me but he leaves to go to Wyatt as soon as he sees who he is talking to. I think I hear him say something that sounds like ‘not again’ but I can’t be sure.

“Are you okay with them talking?” I turn my eyes to the woman even though my attention stays on Wyatt. I’ve seen her at a couple of the red carpets before and I think she might be one of Wyatt’s co-star’s wives or maybe a girlfriend. Now her words catch me off guard and I actually look at her instead of Wyatt. For just a second. “I mean given they seem to always end up back together again.”

Bruce is right beside Wyatt looking from them to me and back again. Things start falling into place a little more and I have a good idea why this time things will be different. Not so much for me but for Wyatt. I fight to keep my face from showing anything but a pleasant smile and keep my anger under control. I wouldn’t give two shits if he wanted to go play with his ex…if he hadn’t kissed me like he did in the back of the limo.

“We’re not serious,” I tell her with a smile still on my face. I wouldn’t care but that was my first kiss, my first real kiss, and he took it without it even meaning anything to him. It might piss me off now but it’s a perfect reminder of why I need to keep my distance from this man.

“Really?” The surprise on the woman’s face has my attention going back to her again. “That’s not what Wyatt’s been saying.”

“What?” Now my smile drops from my face and I’m the one rocking the surprised look.

“Well, he’s…given some of the reporters and paparazzi a different view of things between the two of you.”

“What kind of view?” I do not like where this is going. Not at all.

“He’s just been saying how close the two of you are and that you all are living together and he’s….”

“Excuse me!” I remind myself it’s not this poor woman’s fault and turn my gaze on the person who deserves my anger. Wyatt. “I…excuse me.”

This time I say it softer as I reach out to touch the woman’s hand to show her I’m not mad at her at all. “I just remembered something I absolutely have to talk to Bruce about. If you’ll forgive me, I’ll see you inside.”

“Of course, dear. See you inside.” She gives me a big, warm smile and I walk away from her thinking maybe I should be the actor if I was able to hide the murderous rage bubbling up inside of me. I make a beeline for the bane of my ire.

“Can I speak with you for a moment, Wyatt?”

It irks me that I feel like a little girl pulling at the sleeve of a much older, much taller, person than me. “Of course, love.”

I grind my teeth and give him a pinched smile reminding myself that we aren’t alone and that if I’m not careful this is going to wind up all over every TV in the world. Before I can say a word, a soft voice hits me like a whip.

“Really, Wyatt? The help?”

Chapter Six