“It means…I train to protect people from real-world threats.” She runs the terrycloth along her neck and chin making me jealous that I’m not a fucking towel. “Not a Hollywood stunt job. It might play great on screen but…in the real world…,” she sashays by me driving me crazy.

“Really. That’s why. I thought it was because you could tell I wasn’t about to go easy on you because you were a girl.” I give her a lopsided smile. I’ve got her now. I can tell in the way she turns back around to me and comes walking my way again.

“I wouldn’t want to be the responsible party for fucking up that pretty face.” She pats my cheek in a condescending way. But I take advantage and snag her wrist. Before we can both take our next breath, we are in the fight. She moves to punch me; I block her but have to let her go. Both of us start circling each other.

“I understand, sweetheart. I’d be afraid too if I was five foot and saw me coming at you.” Her brow goes up and she stops dead. “It’s okay, darlin’. We’ll just say you beat me so you can feel better about yourself.”

“I’m five-three I’ll have you know and if you want to have your ass handed to you, you should have just said so.”

“Hand away, baby. Hand away.”

Again, we both circle one another. Both of us know the first one to initiate the fight is going to be at a disadvantage to the other one. I finally give in and go for her. I barely get my fingers on her when she’s stepping into me and bringing her knee up. I block her but just barely.

She spins away from me putting distance between the two of us. I go after her and finally get my hands around her only to have her kick the shit out of me for all my effort. That’s going to leave a pretty good-sized bruise. One she should be proud of putting on me.

“I have a premier thing coming up. You’re going to go with me, right?”

She elbows me and twists out of my grip.

“I guess I have to. Considering.”

“Good. Then I’ll call my wardrobe lady and tell her to bring over some dresses and shit for you to try on.”

“What, you don’t trust me to dress fancy enough for you?”

“Darlin’ I don’t mind if you want to stay home and walk around naked but my agent’s not going to be happy about it and home is the only place I’m going to let you run around naked. So…”

She throws her arm out to try to clip me in the face as I go low trying to grab her leg and throw her off balance. I let her get some hits in. “Hard pass. Like I said, I would feel better being your maid.”

“You want to wear one of those sexy little maid’s uniforms for me, you aren’t going to hear me complaining but I’m not about to let you run around the red carpet dressed like that.”

“Afraid someone will find out you’re a kinky perv?”

I narrow my eyes and use her own momentum to unbalance her enough that she stumbles and goes down on her hands and knees. I’m on her before she can get up. “Not at all, baby. Ijust don’t want to have to blind everyone who sees you walking around in a tiny ass little skirt.” I whisper in her ear, “I’m not a man who likes to share.”

She jerks her head back and hits my chin causing pain to flow out from the point of impact. It’s enough to allow her to tuck and roll out from under me.

“But I’m not really yours and this is all a fake.”

The reminder has my temper flaring up enough that I reach for her and snag her around the ankle, pulling her back under me and gaining control of her wrists. She tries to pitch me from her by pushing herself up off the mat, but it only pushes her lower body further into mine. “Give me time, baby.

A sound near the door has both of us turning our heads to find out who is disturbing our little wrestling match. Both of us are panting for breath and sweating when her brother walks in. I feel Callie stiffen under me and don't like the change.

His eyes rove over both of us before he says a word. “I would ask why you’re on top of my sister but sadly I can probably guess only too well.”

“Get off me!”

Instead of doing what she tells me to, I bring my eyes back to her and give her a cocky grin that I’m sure is going to piss her the hell off and pop a kiss on her lips. “Nine tomorrow. Don’t be late, there’s a lot to do for one of these things.”

I jump up before she can say a word and walk over to her brother who gives me a questioning look but I’m not answering questions that I don’t know how to answer for myself just yet.

Chapter Four



I don’t want Eli to think he’s put his trust in the wrong place. That I can’t keep my eyes off his sister even if it is true. And what do I want with his sister? Where is this going? Is it just because she tells me no with that stubborn chin tilted in the air and I see it as a challenge I can’t pass up? All questions I still don’t have the answers to. I just know when she’s in the room, everything else stops mattering and I am one hundred percent focused on everything she does. It’s like I’m drawn to her and nothing I do can break the connection I have with her.