I need to extract myself from this before I let the pain and trauma make me do something I’m going to regret a lot longer than I would have to endure the gunshot. I try to move as gently as I can but end up moaning out in pain anyway. As soon as the sound leaves my mouth, intense, bright blue eyes snap open and pin me down.

“Are you in pain, Peaches? Do you need more pain meds, baby?” He jerks up over me so he can stare into my eyes while taking note of every move I make. I pull the sheet up high and tryto wrap it around me. It might be thin but at least it offers some protection.

“Where…are we?”

This is not his room at the mansion, and I seriously doubt he’s taken me to a rustic hotel or inn.

“Where’s my brother?” He is not going to be happy I’m in bed with Wyatt almost completely naked. “Why am I naked? Why are you in bed with me?”

A hint of hysteria laces my voice as I ask my questions and I take a moment to collect myself, so I don’t start doing something stupid and silly like babbling or -God forbid- crying.

“I was shot.”

I try to sit up but end up flopping back down and grabbing my shoulder as the memories keep coming back. I can’t hold in the whimper that slips out as I take an assessment of my wounds and pain. Wyatt is out of bed so fast I almost don’t catch the hint of a bulge in his dark boxers. Almost.

He’s back in a matter of seconds with both pain meds and a bottle of water. It’s not until he’s helping me sit up and handing me the bottle before I realize how thirsty I am. It takes no coaxing from him for me to down the pills and drink at least half the water before he helps me set it on the little nightstand by the side of the bed.

He starts answering some of my questions while I sit back and close my eyes to reassess everything. “We are in a cabin I own. I sometimes come here to hide away from everyone or everything. It’s somewhere we’ll be safe while some friends who owe me favors look for the person who shot you.”

What then? I don’t want to say it out loud because I’m afraid of what his answer will be. Something tells me he isn’t going to take the guy to the police department. Before I can say anything, he is answering more of my questions.

“You aren’t naked.” I readjust the sheet that I took with me when he helped me prop myself up, subconsciously being hyperaware of how bare I am. “I left your panties on.”

“Wyatt, that…,” my brows scrunch inward and I frown at the caviler way he dismisses my nudity. Maybe he’s just not affected by it. He is after all around tons of beautiful women day in and day out.

“Your brother is close and will come immediately when we need him. For now, it’s just me and you.”

“And Eli’s alright with that?”

“He didn’t have a choice.” The answer he gives me is short and blunt but the truth. I can tell Wyatt didn’t leave Eli much of a choice on the matter. I know my brother well enough that I’m betting he is one more prickly, hateful mother fucker wherever he is because of it.

I nervously pluck at the sheet where it’s wrapped around my thigh. “How long do you think we’ll have to be here?”

“Ready to leave me already?”

My eyes come up to meet his and I think about my next words very carefully. “Things aren’t going to be very comfortable for us. We don’t exactly have a good relationship.”

He cocks his head but doesn’t break eye contact with me. “We’ve not started our relationship yet, Callie. You keep running away from me.”

“You lied to me! You and my brother. You…,” I pull back and close my eyes to rein my temper in. “I’m not doing this with you. We don’t have anything together and we never will.”

“You should have thought about not wanting anything with me before you used my dick to get off, Peaches. Because we absolutely will have a relationship with one another, and you are in fact mine.”

I roll my eyes. If he thinks he can just dictate to me he has another thing coming. If I stood up to my brother AND my dad, Wyatt doesn’t have a chance. “I don’t even know what that means. I’m yours. For what…a day, a week, a month. I’m yours?”

I scoff out a sound between a disdainful huff and a disbelieving snort. Like I’m going to fall for his caveman declarations.

“And then what? What after you’ve had me and I’ve been yours, Wyatt? Are we just going to sit and stare at one another for the rest of the time? Are you going to leave me here so you can go out and find another person who belongs to you? Is there a club I need to join, of all the women you’ve collected like some men collect cars or wine or is that something I’m going to have to start for the others myself?”

His eyes narrow and before I can move out of his way, he’s taken me by the throat with one hand and pulled the sheet from me with the other.

“You should be glad you’re all blitzed out on pain meds, Peaches, or I would have you over my knee, spanking that sweet little round ass and you wouldn’t get any more chances to make peace with the fact your tight little pussy is mine. But our first time isn’t going to be clouded by meds that you can blame youractions on, baby. When we make love for the first time, you’re going to be fully aware of every touch, every move, every cry of pleasure that leaves your lips and mine. And when I take you…it’s going to be for a lot fucking longer than you can even imagine.”

He dips his head and places his mouth on the tips of my breasts, giving both of them little peck kisses before bringing his lips back to mine. It’s a soft kiss but it leaves me light-headed and oddly needy. Then he’s pulling back and helping me slide myself down further into the bed.

“Rest, sweetheart. Heal. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

The next few days are going to be the hardest I’ve ever lived through. Not only am I going to have to process the fact someone shot me, but I’ve not got a job to go to once this one is over, and I’m going to have to find a way to move as far away as I can so I can finally start living my life. And now, I have to fight this attraction that is growing between me and Wyatt that he doesn’t seem to have a problem with at all.