I help Eli and Geo bring in stuff that was already packed in the SUV we switched to in the parking garage. After the threats to Callie started getting more intense and she wouldn’t let me and Eli keep eyes on her, both of us decided to put away our animosity towards one another and we came up with something that would make us feel more comfortable given the circumstances.

The two men and a couple more of their guys are going to be staying in a cabin at the base of the mountain - our first line of defense. The whole damned area is under surveillance and has motion sensors buried everywhere around us. If a squirrel decides to get frisky and break wind, we’ll know about it. With plenty of time to take the little bastard out if he means to do any harm to Callie.

When they leave and I have the cabin locked down I turn my attention to the soft, little woman lying in the big bed still dressed in her sparkly gown she picked to wear tonight. My first order of business is to make her as comfortable as I possibly can. And to do that I need to take her out of that gown.

I begin by taking her hair down out of the pins and clasps that were holding it up. Some of it has already fallen down but most of it is still up. I manage to find the hidden zipper at the side and work the material down her body. After I start working on the hooks down the front of her corset-style bra thing while being very careful to not jostle her arm or wrist when I take it off her, leaving her in just her panties and stockings and garter belt.

I shouldn’t but I can’t help but take a moment to stand back and look at the present I’ve unwrapped. It would be wrong of me to look at this angel…if she didn’t already belong to me. She let me make her cum, got off while sliding up and down on my dick, she let me kiss her in the back of the limo when she had never been kissed before. You could say I took that kiss, but I know Callie. A woman like her would never just let someone take something from her. She let me kiss her because if she didn’t want it, I would have had my nuts handed to me - end of story.

But she didn’t. She let me have my kiss, she let me rub against her and she willingly used me to get herself off. She’s mine. And she’s perfect. Nothing has ever been as beautiful as Callie lyingin nothing but her panties on my bed. Even with blood smeared on her arm and her hand in a brace, she is the sexiest creature I have ever seen.

I run my hand down the center of her body just to feel how soft she is. Peaches is an appropriate name for her because she is soft and tender like a little peach. Her breasts are large for her size but perfect for my hands’ size. I love how curvy she is and how she is the opposite of me in almost every way.

Her eyes blink open and our eyes meet but she doesn’t try to push me away. Her nipples crinkle under my gaze and her thighs squeeze together. “Wyatt?”

“Shh. Don’t move, baby. Just stay. Are you in pain?”

She shakes her head and some of my tension fades.

“Are we somewhere safe?”

“Yeah, baby. We’re safe.”

“Is it bad?” Her hand with the brace comes up to touch the arm she was shot in. The brace catches her eyes, and she holds it up in front of her face. I would have known what she was asking even if she hadn’t given me visual cues.

“No, sweetheart. It’s not bad at all but I know it hurts.”

“Did I break it?”

“No just a sprain but it’s a rough one.” Even though we are talking in half sentences and her questions wouldn’t make any sense to anyone else, I understand what she is asking, and I would never make her use more words than she has to.

I touch her between her breasts again, trailing my hand down her stomach to the top of her panties. Not to be sexual at all. I’mnot touching Callie because she’s sexy and I want her body -even though I do think she is sexy, and I do want her. I’m touching her so I can reassure myself that she’s alive, she’s with me, and that I can keep her safe. I’m touching her because I want to offer her comfort and convey that sense of safety.

“Am I naked?”

“I left your panties on.” Instead of putting her hands up to cover her bare chest, she reaches the one with a brace on out to me. I immediately take it gingerly and wait for her to speak again.

“Will you…?” She stops and even though I want to finish the question for her I want to hear what she wants, what she needs from me. Will I what? Stay with her? Hold her? Never let her go? Yes, I will do all those things and more.

“Will you lay with me?” Her voice is soft and not very much over a whisper…but I hear it.

“Fuck yes!” I shuck my shirt and pants as fast as I can before helping her pull the covers up and over her. I slide in beside her, making sure I don’t hit her arm or hurt her wrist. I wrap my body around her and pull her in close to me. She snuggles up against me and I find yet another way we are different and perfect for each other - her body is much cooler than mine so when she burrows into my side it’s like she’s trying to suck the heat off my body. It’s cute as shit and makes me feel like I have yet another way to offer her comfort and care.

I snuggle against her throat before whispering in her ear. “You feel fucking amazing, baby.”

“Mmm, you do too.”

I don’t mean to drift off, but Callie just makes me feel so damned comfortable and like I’ve come home after all these years of never having one. It’s an intoxicating feeling and one that puts me right out.

Chapter Thirteen



I wake up to the sun streaming into the room and arms wrapped around me. And sore as hell. And naked. I’m fucking naked. Thankfully, I can tell I still have my panties on so at least there’s that, I guess. Things from last night start to filter back into my mind and I find myself turning slightly so that I can look at the man holding me in his arms.

His face is relaxed in sleep, giving me an excellent chance to study him. I’ve never really given myself permission to take all of Wyatt in before. Putting up barriers and space between us just seemed safer for me in the long run. A man like Wyatt could really hurt a woman and I can easily see why Delilah is so hellbent on keeping him. Of course, I wouldn’t have slept with anybody else while still wanting Wyatt either. Not that I’m judging. Maybe that’s her way of getting his attention, drawing his eyes to her so to speak. Trying to make him jealous.