“I never told her you were the help.”

“You didn’t tell her I was your bodyguard?” I let all the disbelief boiling up inside lace my words.


“Then how did she know?” My brother asks the question before I can, even though the words are echoing loudly in my head.

“I have some more people that can come in and help us guard you and my sister, but I suggest we start looking into your normal security to find out what the hell is going on and try to track down how a woman like Delilah would know you’re in a relationship with your bodyguard.”

Everyone in the room goes quiet as the ramifications of what we found out sink in. Someone close to Wyatt is the one stalking him and knows a hell of a lot more than we first thought. Our element of surprise is completely gone, and we are the ones left in the dark, one step behind this psycho. It’s a sobering thought and one that leaves us all looking around wondering just who it is. And what we should expect next.

Chapter Eight



For the rest of the week, everything is quiet. I move into the room right beside Wyatt’s and we check in with Quill and Heath daily. I love their wives and constantly ask for baby updates since both women are knocked up.

“Where’s Wyatt?” Geo asks as he comes in and grabs lunch. I frown but don’t answer him. Geo and some of the other men who have come on board since ‘the accident’ have noticed his absence and have started to wonder about it.

In fact, Wyatt doesn’t come down until well after lunch most days. Leading them to speculate he’s found a reason to stay up all night…Skype sex.

“Who knows? Probably asleep due to his late-night escapades.” The men laugh and I try to bury my nose in the book I am reading.

It’s not that I care he’s meeting some woman online to have computer sex, but I think it would be…considerate if he at least pretended this charade we are doing playing girlfriend and boyfriend is…monogamous. Instead of whoring it up online, he could have at least waited until we finished, and I left. Not that I care. God knows I’m not spending my nights staying up sexting a boyfriend behind his back. And even when I’m done with this job, I doubt I'll have any chance of finding a man tough enough to hang around my brother and father and all the men I work with.

“Callie, you should go find out if he’s alright.”

“What? Why me?”

One of the men who works with me and Geo speaks up instead of Geo, “Because you sleep next to him.”

“In the room beside his, Robert.” God, I hate Robert sometimes. He can be such a dick, especially about my gender. “Not the same bed.”

“But I thought you were his girlfriend?” He covers a shit-eating smile that makes my hand itch to punch him in it. “Maybe he’s finding the computer sex more to his liking, less frosty than his current girlfriend.”

I slap my hand down on the surface and push away from the island. “Robert…you sound stupid. You might want to see to that.” No use candy-coating it with someone like Robert. “I’ll check on Sleeping Beauty and make sure he’s not dead.”

I tell Geo because he’s the one asking about Wyatt and because he didn’t suggest I was sleeping with Wyatt to start with. I make my way up the steps slowly. Do I really want to find out who Wyatt is trying to fuck? No, of course I don’t. But I still have a job to do, and I plan to do it. And it doesn’t hurt that I will be able to wake his ass up and ruin his beauty sleep.

I lean against the door and listen first. I don’t hear any sounds that would tell me he’s having hot internet sex but then again, I'm not sure what that actually would sound like. Grunting? Groaning? Who the fuck knows? I knock softly but don’t hear anything. No call to come in, no grunt of acknowledgment that I’ve alerted him to my presence.

I check the doorknob and find it easily turns in my hand. I peek around the door but still use it to knock on, this time a little louder. “Knock, knock, sleeping beauty. Time to wake the fuck up.”

It’s dark and I can just barely make out the massive lump in the middle of the bed. I was in his room once before but couldn’t really appreciate how large his bed really is. It’s huge. But then again, I guess it has to be since Wyatt is no lightweight.

He’s got blackout curtains closed tight keeping the day out. I go over to the bed just to check on him, not to look at him unguarded or anything. He might have the covers pulled up over his head for all I know. I’m just thankful he isn’t wacking it to a half-naked woman on his computer screen.

Sure enough, he’s there sleeping with the covers only halfway up his body. The silk, if that is what his sheets are made of because it sure looks like silk, drapes across his lower body leaving his impressive chest bare. I slip closer to the bed and whisper his name again. The last thing I want is for him to move and that sheet to uncover something that will imprint on my mind for the rest of my life. When he doesn’t move, I roll my eyes and step closer. I’m going to have to actually shake him awake, damn it.


Before I know what is going on, I am being spun and landing on my back with a big, growly man on top of me. What the actual fuck just happened? He grabbed me and pulled me under him faster than I could take a breath and much faster than I could counter his movement.

“Wyatt, what the hell?”

He snuggles into the crook of my neck and mumbles sleepily against my skin causing shivers to rush through me. “Peaches, are you here to do naughty things to me?”