
“Ms. Beaumont, do you know why I told you to come to my office?” Rafe asked, leaning back in his desk chair and steepling his fingers.

Nell stood across the desk in a schoolgirl costume he found in a supply closet on the third floor, clasping and unclasping her hands in front of her stomach. “No, Professor Erikson, I don’t.” There was the hint of a tremor in her voice, and she wasn’t quite meeting his eyes.

Fuck, she looked sexy in that skimpy little plaid skirt. It was clearly made for someone much shorter, and he couldn’t stop staring at those ridiculously long, tan legs of hers. The blue and black butterfly wings of her tattoo were on full display.

Focus, damnit.

With a herculean effort, he dragged his gaze back up to her face. “I read your latest paper this morning.” Pulling two stapled essays from the top left drawer, he set them on the desktop. “This is your paper.” He pointed at the one on his right. “And this one was written last year by a student of my colleague Professor McLaren.” He drummed his fingers on top of the essay to his left. “A student named Olivia Adams. Does that name ring any bells?”

Nell’s eyes widened for a moment, before she wiped all traces of expression off her face. “No, Sir. I don’t know her.”

“Really,” he drawled. “Then I’m curious to know how you turned in a paper identical to Olivia’s.”

Her mask slipped, revealing the panic in her eyes. “Sir, I—”

“Don’t even try to make excuses,” Rafe interrupted, the ring of command in his voice more than enough to shut her up. “Plagiarism is averyserious offence. Do you have any clue what’s about to happen?”

Her lower lip trembled, and her eyes sparkled with actual tears. “Academic probation?”

“At the very least,” Rafe said, steepling his fingers again.

Christ, this was fun. He almost never participated in scenes like this anymore, and frankly, he expected something less playful out of her. But she insisted she wanted to start with something that wasn’t “scary.” Since spooking her too badly would likely result in one or more broken bones—all of them his—that was perfectly fine with him.

Though he was fascinated to find out what her other fantasies entailed.

“Least?” she repeated. “What else—”

“It’s at the dean’s discretion whether he wishes to give you another chance or not. Considering you stole the entire paper, and not only a section of it, he may choose to expel you.”

“No!” She lurched toward him, gripping the edge of the desk hard enough to turn her knuckles white. “Please, I can’t be expelled. My parents would literally kill me.”

Arching a single brow, Rafe said, “Perhaps you should’ve thought of that before you turned in someone else’s work, Ms. Beaumont.”

Nell blinked, sending a single tear down her cheek, where it caught on the corner of her mouth. Her tongue darted out, licking away the salty liquid, and if Rafe was hard before, that was nothing compared to now.

“Please, professor. I got overwhelmed, and I panicked, and I made a stupid decision. Stupidest decision I’ve ever made in my life. I know I shouldn’t have done it, and I swear I’ll never, ever do it again.” She leaned forward, giving him an excellent view of her cleavage beneath her partially unbuttoned shirt. The little minx. “Pleasedon’t turn me in to the dean.”

With a sigh, Rafe shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. There’s no way I can let this go unpunished. Not something this big.”

“Punish me yourself, then,” she begged, desperation in her voice, her face, her posture. “I’ll write another paper—twomore papers. Whatever you want. Or I can grade the weekly quizzes for you, or clean your office, or—”

Rafe held up a hand, silencing her. “Giving you extra work isn’t enough. There has to be a real, genuine consequence, or I’m afraid the point won’t be driven home.” She started to speak, but he didn’t give her the chance. “Enough. It’s time to go see Dean Hale.”

“Please!” she shouted, clasping her hands together in a pleading gesture. “I’ll do anything, Professor. Anything at all to make this go away.”

He started to stand, but settled back in his chair, regarding her with a thoughtful frown. “There’s only one other thing I can think of that would make the proper impact,” he said, doing his best not to smirk at the pun. “If you’re willing to submit to a spanking, we can put this all behind us.”

Nell’s eyes were once again rounded with shock, and she opened her mouth several times before any sound came out. “A spanking?” she said in the faintest of whispers.

“Yes, Ms. Beaumont, a spanking. You’ve certainly earned it. Submit to my punishment, and I’ll never say another word about this.”

Her gulp was loud enough for him to hear across the desk. “How long of a spanking?”

He arched his brows again, staring into her beautiful brown eyes until she looked away, a blush reddening her cheeks. “As long as I think it needs to be for the lesson to take.”