That’s when someone grabbed her from behind. Strong arms encircled her, crushing her arms against her sides with enough force that she cried out.

Micah.He swore he’d kill her.

But no, she knew for a fact his ass was still in jail. And the arms around her were far too large, way too strong.

Her self-defense training kicked in. Nell threw her hips to one side, wanting to throw him off balance and loosen his arms. This man seemed to anticipate the move, though, and shifted with her, his arms like a python crushing her ribs.

When she tried to slam her heel down on her captor’s foot, he dodged with ease, then lifted her off the ground entirely. “Rafe!” She screamed it at the top of her lungs, hoping he was off in some other corner of the house and just hadn’t heard her get home.

If this person had attacked him, if Rafe was hurt somewhere...

She screamed his name again, twisting and writhing, kicking and flailing, doing every damn thing in her power to break the man’s grip. All the agitation made his right sleeve ride up his arm, revealing part of a tattoo.

It was a monochrome eagle, wings outspread.


And then she remembered. Her fantasy.

For the space of three seconds, she went completely still. That was enough for him to throw her facedown on the bed, pinning her down with his hands and knees.

Oh, it was fuckingon.

Nell redoubled her efforts, throwing her weight from side to side, trying to throw him off. But he was too heavy. Too strong.

Keeping her legs pinned to the mattress with his knees, he wrenched her arms behind her back, wrapping one enormous hand around her wrists.

“Get the fuck off me!” Nell shouted, bucking her hips, trying to pull her hands free. “I swear to fucking God, when my boyfriend gets home, he’s going to fucking kill you. Now get off me before I—” A scream tore out of her, cutting the threat short.

He’d twisted her arms up behind her so far, it felt like something was about to tear.

“Enough.” His voice was like smoke and gravel. It sent a chill of terror running down the length of her spine. “Be still or I’ll dislocate both your shoulders.”

The warning distracted her just long enough. By the time she started fighting again, he already had a rope looped around both her wrists. It was easy enough for him to control her as he tied it off, manipulating the ends into a complicated knot.

He let go of her arms then, sitting back as she wore herself out trying to stretch the rope. But no matter how she pulled and twisted, it had no give.

She was so fucked.

When at last Nell’s muscles went limp, her upper body sinking into the mattress, he stood.

The second her legs were free, she kicked back, aiming for what she hoped was his groin. He must’ve expected the attack, because she hit nothing but air.

“You’re making this harder on yourself,” he scolded, grabbing her around the ankle with both hands, jerking her leg up until her quads fucking burned with the strain. She kicked out feebly with the other leg, but it was a pathetic effort. He got a rope knotted around her ankle in seconds flat, then slammed her leg down to the bed so he could tie the other end of the rope to the corner post.

Nell tried to roll. To get onto her back and kick upward with her free leg before he could tie that one down too. Anything to stop herself from being completely immobilized.

But it was as if he could read her fucking mind. No matter what she did, no matter how she moved, he seemed to know exactly how to counter it.

He pushed her deeper into the mattress, keeping her stuck on her belly. With both hands and one leg already neutralized, it was humiliating how easily he tied her left leg to the other post.

“There,” he said, running his hands up the insides of her spread thighs. “Much better.”

Her eyes fluttered closed as he moved his hands up over her shorts, cupping her ass through the denim. She clenched her lips together as he squeezed, biting back a moan.

“That’s it,” he said, kneading her ass, pushing her hips down onto the bed every time she lifted them into his hands. “You want this, don’t you, you little slut? You want me to fuck you. You want me to force you.”

She opened her mouth to object, and the moan she’d been swallowing came tumbling out instead. Pressing her face into the comforter, she tried to muffle the sound, but it was too late. He already heard it.