Laughing, she spun around, still trying to take it all in. “I can’t believe this. I swear this is the same exact rug.”

“You’ll have to thank Zach for that,” he admitted. “He made it his personal mission to get this room as close to your picture as possible.”

Nell dropped down into one of the armchairs, grinning. “Sothat’swhat he’s been doing. I knew he was up to something.”

Ever since Nell and Rafe had announced their plans to the rest of the Manor partners and staff, Zach spent long stretches of time holed away in his office, scrolling through pages on his laptop nonstop and spending far more time on the phone than his job usually required. She couldn’t wait to see him, so she could give him a giant hug.

“You know how he is,” Rafe said, settling down in the second chair. “Once he gets an idea into his head, he doesn’t rest until he makes it happen. The man is unstoppable.”

That was true enough. As soon as Nell told him her plan to earn a master’s degree, he spent countless hours researching therapist licensing requirements in various states, plus programs at grad schools all over the country. When a printout about the graduate counseling program at the University of Vermont appeared on her bedside table one day, she had no trouble figuring out who put it there.

UVM was only an hour and a half from the Manor and had a fantastic program. Not the best commute in the world, but Rafe was more than willing if that’s what it took for both of them to have their dream jobs. She didn’t even mind that he’d have to stay in Fairford overnight now and again. The idea that Rafe could keep working at the Manor while she got her degree was too good to pass up.

“All right, let’s go get lunch,” Rafe said, struggling out of the marshmallow-like chair. He grabbed her hands and hauled her to her feet. “Zach came down for the day to supervise the work on your office, and he’s waiting for us at that farm-to-table restaurant you keep talking about.”

This day just kept getting better and better. Nell practically skipped back through the house, sliding her flip-flops on before heading out the front door.

“So,” Rafe said as they strolled down the front path to the sidewalk. “Only two more days until you’re officially a grad student. I kind of think that deserves a reward.”

Nell laughed. “The dream office isn’t my reward?”

Waving a dismissive hand, Rafe said, “That was a gift. A gift is very different from a reward.”

“If you say so,” she said, rolling her eyes. “So what do you have in mind?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” He gave her a sly look out of the corner of his eye. “Maybe another fantasy?”

Nell’s brows shot upward. “Now that,” she said, tapping a finger against her chin, “is a very enticing proposition.”

“Anything on your list we haven’t tried yet?” Rafe asked, grinning down at her. “Maybe that one you didn’t want to tell me last year? If you’re ready to, I mean.”

Her lips spread into a slow smile. A very enticing proposition indeed.

She hadn’t known Rafe well enough last October. For this fantasy to work, she needed to trust her partner implicitly. Not only trust he’d keep her mind and body safe, but also that he understood the part of her that wanted this.

Going up onto her toes, Nell whispered into his ear. By the time she settled back on her heels, Rafe’s gray-green eyes glittered with excitement. “That can be arranged.”

* * *

Nell was fuckingexhausted. Her first week of grad school had been simultaneously incredible and terrifying. She adored the classes, but damn it was a fuck ton of work. Only a week in, and already she stayed up late working every night. She didn’t even want to think about all the unpacking they still had to do.

Part of her was terrified she wouldn’t be able to keep up. The fact that she was more than a decade older than all the other students didn’t help. If it wasn’t for Rafe’s daily reassurances (and frequent shoulder and foot rubs), she might have given into her fears by now.

Switching the strap of her messenger bag to her other shoulder, she hurried her steps, eager to be home. She had a metric ton of homework and reading to do this weekend, but it could wait until Sunday. Rafe promised to be waiting for her when she got there, and she wanted to spend the next thirty-six hours in that man’s arms.

Or with her mouth around his cock. Whichever.

That delectable image only made her feet move faster. She was practically jogging by the time she hurried up the front walk and onto the porch. If Rafe wasn’t inside one of her holes within the next five minutes—she didn’t care which one—she might just scream.

“Rafe?” She looked around for him as soon as she pushed the door open, disappointed when she didn’t find him on the living room sofa. “Where are you?”

There was no answer.

Frowning, she shut the door behind her, turning the deadbolt. He’d planned to spend the whole day unpacking, wanting the house to be ready when Holly, Pete, Justin, and her mom flew out next week. Though he tried to hide it, he was definitely nervous about making the right impression—especially on her mom. She could tell he was afraid of ruining the rocky relationship they’d managed to build in the last year.

After all that work, maybe he was up in the shower? As sexy as it was to imagine licking salty sweat off his skin, she had to admit a clean Rafe sounded far more appealing than a filthy one.

Leaving her bag and sandals by the front door, she made her way upstairs. “Rafe?” she called out again, crossing the hall to the closed master bedroom door. Light peeked out from the gap at the bottom, but she couldn’t hear the shower running. Was he even home? Opening the door, she stepped inside, gaze sweeping the room for any sign of him.