Mason’s deep blue eyes bore down on her, making her want to shrink away. “Kneel.”

Nell dropped to her knees without her usual grace, desperate to do whatever he said. Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at her new Master for further direction.

“Good girl. Let’s go.” Sparing a glance for his other sub, he said, “Gemma, come.” His voice stayed low and soft, smooth as rich, melted chocolate. Nell got the distinct impression he seldom raised his voice to his subs, if ever. A man like Mason wouldn’t have to.

Nell crawled after her new Master at Gemma’s side, leaving the dining room and moving slowly down the long back hallway. She knew she should be concentrating on where they were going and how best to please him, but damn if she couldn’t stop staring at his ass in that suit. Rafe’s broader, muscled physique may have been more to her usual taste...didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate a fine ass when she saw one.

When Mason stopped without warning, she very nearly smashed into him with her face. She would’ve, too, if Gemma hadn’t darted a hand out, grabbing hold of her shoulder.

Luckily, he didn’t notice the blunder. Only half turning, Mason unhooked the leash and gestured through an open door. “In. Both of you.”

Crawling as quickly as she could into the game room, Nell yelped when the door swung closed behind her, close enough to feel the displaced air on her bare legs. She twisted around so fast she lost her balance, toppling over onto her butt.

Thank God Mason wasn’t around to seethat. He’d closed them into the room together alone.

“Is he...” She glanced over at Gemma, letting her confusion have free reign of her expression. “Coming back?” He’d only bought her for an hour.

Gemma’s answering smile made all her worry and uncertainty melt away. “He does this. Last time, he went off somewhere to get supplies and came back in like ten minutes.”

“Oh, good.” She returned the other woman’s smile as they stood. “I’m glad you’re here so you can tell me what to expect.”

With the most perfectly naughty grin Nell had ever seen, Gemma said, “Expect him to get his money’s worth.” She gave Nell a long, deliciously slow look down the full length of her body. “I’m so glad Master Mason bought you. He promised me someone else to play with if I was a good girl.”

Mouth suddenly bone dry, Nell did her best to wet it. Her clit was quite literally pulsing. With her pale skin and white-blond hair, Gemma reminded her a little of Penny, the sub at Valhalla she had a crush on for months.

“You’d like to play with me,” Gemma said, taking a few slow, prowling steps forward. “Wouldn’t you?”

All Nell could manage was a needy whimper, but that seemed to be good enough for the shorter woman. Burying a hand in the hair at the nape of Nell’s neck, Gemma pulled her down into a slow, achingly beautiful kiss. Where Rafe liked to claim her, practically devour her, Gemma took her time, learning the taste and shape of her mouth, swallowing each of her needy little moans.

Pulling apart only enough to speak, Gemma’s lips brushed against Nell’s as she whispered, “Touch me?”

She sure as fuck didn’t need to be asked twice. As their lips moved back together, Nell ran her hands over Gemma’s skin, exploring her incredible curves. One hand toyed with her nipple through the sheer bra, rolling and pinching as she listened to Gemma’s reactions, discovering what she liked best. Still mesmerized by the garter harness, she traced a fingertip of her other hand down leather straps and around metal rings.

Nell tugged at one of the silk ribbon bows tying Gemma’s panties at her hips right as the door slammed open. The two women jumped guiltily apart, the excitement in Gemma’s eyes a counterpoint to the fear in Nell’s. Heart in her throat, Nell faced her new Master on legs turned to lead, already knowing what she’d see.

Sure enough, Mason stood in the doorway, every muscle in his body rigid, that cold fury back in his eyes.


It took a few seconds for Nell to realize Gemma had knelt beside her. Dropping to her own knees, Nell stared at his chest, mind racing as she tried to figure out how much trouble she was in.

“I was gone for”—he dropped everything he carried onto the pool table and checked his ridiculously expensive looking gold watch—“six total minutes. You two couldn’t keep your hands off each other for six fucking minutes?”

Blood rushed to Nell’s cheeks. “I’m sorry, Master.” Gemma mumbled the same beside her.

“Not as sorry as you’re both about to be.” Grabbing a jumble of long, thin leather straps connected by silver rings from the table, he pointed at Nell with his free hand. “You. Stand.”

She did as she was told, eyeing the leather and metal contraption with trepidation. Was he going to whip her with that? She’d never seen anything like it.

It wasn’t until he was buckling two straps together around the smallest part of her waist that she realized it was a garter harness, almost identical to Gemma’s.

Mason’s fingers were steady and sure as he fastened the buckle right above her belly button. As he worked, she reached around, finding a metal ring in the small of her back, joining the waist straps. Two additional, much shorter straps hung down the outsides of her hips, ending in more metal rings.

“Haven’t you learned to keep your hands to yourself?” Mason said in a long-suffering voice, smacking her hands away.

The metal rings on her hips supported the final straps—the ones meant to go around her thighs. Mason tugged her panties down her legs, kicking them aside before he looped the remaining straps between her legs. They buckled just beneath the curve of her ass, plumping up her ass cheeks in the most fabulous way.

God, she wished she could look in a mirror. She knew she didn’t have the same dramatic curves as Gemma, but if this harness made her butt look evenhalfthat good, she certainly wasn’t opposed to the ego boost.