The first line of fire landed across the center of her ass.Fuuuuuuuck.How she managed to say it in her head and not out loud was a mystery for the ages. This stroke was a whole shit ton harder than the warning shot he gave her a few minutes earlier, and without even the skimpy panties to protect her.

Rafe’s second stroke fell parallel to the first, and her vision blurred with unshed tears. Wielded with enough force, a cane could tear through the skin, slicing its target to ribbons. She knew he was far too controlled to let that happen, but god-fucking-damnit, it fuckinghurt.

“I’ll let them see you take one more,” Rafe said, using the cane to mark out a spot directly below the second stripe. When the cane fell, his aim was perfect, and a third line of fire burned across her skin.

Tears poured from her eyes, but she never made a sound.

The Dom holding the black-haired woman in his lap let out a long, jagged breath. “Beautiful.”

Rafe’s smile could only be described as victorious. “If there are no more questions?” When no one said a word, he slid her panties back up into place, making her hiss as rough lace settled on her punished bottom. “Very well, then. Who would like to start the bidding?”

“Five hundred,” Camden bellowed, and when their gazes met, he winked at her.

Nell glanced down at the rug in front of her, trying her damndest not to laugh. She’d have to avoid looking at him for the rest of the scene, or he could derail the whole thing.

“A thousand,” the one with the black-haired girl in his lap countered.

The Dom with the leash lazily raised one hand. “Fifteen hundred.”

“Two thousand.” That was the Dom who got her caned.

Deep, commanding voices continued to call out, increasingly absurd numbers ringing in the otherwise silent room. Nell’s head swung from side to side as she tried to keep track, her heart skipping a beat at each new bid.

“Sold to Mason St. John, for fifteen thousand dollars.” There was a tremendous amount of smugness in Rafe’s voice, as if he just pulled off the deal of the century. It made her long to go to him, to beg him to buy her back—to earn his regard in whatever way he required, no matter how painful or humiliating.

But it was too late for that. Mason stood from his spot near the kitchen door, laying his sub’s leash on the floor in front of her knees. “Gemma, stay.” The other sub didn’t move anything but her eyes, tracking Mason as he sauntered toward the platform.

Well, Nell certainly couldn’t complain about how sexy her new “Master” was. Though she admittedly had a fleeting thought he would’ve been better suited for her fantasy yesterday. The suit and glasses made him look more like a sexy professor than anything else.

But no, not with those cheekbones. He looked like he belonged on a runway, not in a classroom.

He made a slow circle around the platform, examining every inch of her, searching for defects in his new property. When he made it to where Rafe waited patiently, the two Doms shook hands.

“Always a pleasure doing business with you,” Rafe said. “Would you like me to deliver her to your suite later? Or—”

“No, I’d prefer to take possession now.” Pulling a checkbook and fountain pen from the inside pocket of his jacket, Mason wrote out the topmost check, signing it with a flourish. As he handed it to Rafe, she could just see the small15,000.00written in the little box next to the dollar sign. “Gemma, come.”

The blond sub crawled across the dining room toward him, her leash trailing through the valley of her breasts and down between her legs. Nell couldn’t tear her eyes away from the woman. Her garter harness matched the collar and leash, all buckles, silver rings, and black leather straps, hugging the curves of her old Hollywood hourglass shape to absolute distraction. Every inch of her was visible under her sheer black bra and panties.

But all of that was eclipsed by the almost feline way she crawled. She may well have been the sexiest woman Nell had ever seen.

When Gemma knelt up at Mason’s feet, he cupped her cheek tenderly. “You’ll be a good girl for me if I remove your collar, won’t you?”

She leaned into his hand, her eyes fluttering closed. “Of course, Master,” she whispered.

“Good girl.” Unfastening Gemma’s collar, Mason turned and buckled it around Nell’s neck instead, tight enough to press incessantly against her throat. She swallowed, loving the short burst of pain.

As soon as Mason stepped away from the platform, Rafe got to work unhooking her cuffs from the chains. Her right shoulder screamed as she finally lowered her arm, and she rolled it a few times, trying to ease the pain.

She didn’t get a chance to do the same with her other shoulder, though. The moment the cuff was free, Mason yanked on the leash, jerking her off the platform. She tumbled into him, crashing against his chest, unable to stop the, “Shit!” that forced its way out.

Gripping her by the shoulders, his fingertips digging painfully into her skin, Mason pushed her out to arm’s length. He looped one finger through the large ring on her collar, then wrapped her hair around his other fist.

Nell cried out when he wrenched her hair, forcing her to arch her neck back as far as it could go. Her eyes widened when he leaned over her, his face as placid as ever, but his eyes filled with cold fury.

“No property of mine will speak that way,” Mason said, his words like ice cutting into her skin. “The next time you do, you won’t be able to sit for a week. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-yes, Master.” Jesus, this guy was intense. Wasn’t Rafe supposed to be the scary one? She stumbled upon a subreddit devoted to the Manor when she researched the place, and that’s what the former guests all said.