“Are you okay in here?” Oh yeah, he definitely suspected something. It was written all over his face.

Folding her hands primly over her lady bits, she gave him a sheepish smile. “I needed to use the bathroom, but I accidentally shut the door too hard. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

His lips flattened into a straight line, and he pushed the door the rest of the way open, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his stomach.

Shit, shit,shit, he was going to figure it out. Would he merely punish her for something like this, or would he kick her out of the Manor entirely?

Oh, she was so fucked. She tried to remember where she put Dale the Lexus Driver’s business card.

“I also heard you laugh,” Rafe said, a sense of challenge in his voice. “Care to tell me what you found so funny as you sat here alone in the dark?”

“Oh, that was because of this.” She spread her legs wide again, releasing the blue glow. “Look! I have a magic vajayjay!”

Eyebrows shooting up, he looked down at her spread thighs, blinking and shaking his head slightly, like the gif that was so popular for a while. She was starting to worry he thought she said something monumentally stupid when he burst out laughing.

Seconds later, she joined him. She hadn’t gotten to laugh properly at the thought the first time.

“All right, you ridiculous thing. Finish up, then come out here so I can examine this magicalvajayjayof yours.” Still chuckling, he went out into the suite, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

Sweet baby Jesus that was close. And it wasn’t like she was out of the woods yet. After they were done with whatever he planned to do with her vagina, there was a better than average chance he’d notice his phone was missing.

Unless she managed to completely wear him to exhaustion. Her lips lifted up at one corner. That wasn’t the worstplan she ever had. She’d just have to live with being tired as fuck tomorrow.

Hopefully Rafe would share his coffee.



He was exhausted the next morning, and clearly Nell was doubly so. The poor thing looked like she barely slept a wink all night—not surprising given everything that happened the day before.

Their three AM fuckfest probably didn’t help matters. Jesus, she liked it hard. No matter how he pounded into her, she always seemed to need more. It left him utterly in her thrall. How any man could hurt this intoxicating creature instead of worshipping her was quite beyond his understanding.

Rafe could tell she was trying to be his perfect little footstool again, on her hands and knees in the blood-red bustier and matching lace panties she’d chosen that morning. But her chin kept falling toward her chest, and her back started to bow in the middle. She needed some caffeine or a nap stat.

“Okay, little girl,” he said, moving his feet to the floor. “Kneel up for me now.”

Her movements were slow and clumsy—a far cry from the lithe grace he was used to. “Here,” he said, holding out his half-empty coffee mug. “You look like you need this more than I do.”

She looked at him like he just offered her diamonds and riches. “Oh,thankyou,” she said, grabbing the mug and downing the rest of its contents in three large gulps. When she came up for air, she grimaced, though she tried to hide it.

Smirking, Rafe asked, “Not used to black coffee?”

“I’m more of a tea drinker.” She wore the most adorable little self-conscious smile. Like she was embarrassed of her caffeinated drink preferences but didn’t mind him knowing that. “When I do drink coffee, though, you can bet I load it up with cream and sugar.”

Rafe rolled his eyes. “If you can’t even taste the coffee anymore, what’s the point?”

She laughed, a hint of a blush on her cheeks. “Thatisthe point. If I actually liked coffee, I wouldn’t have to hide the flavor with better tasting things.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” The small, amused smile felt so foreign on his face. He saw it on others plenty, but hardly ever felt a need to smile himself. What was this woman doing to him?

Needing to get back into familiar territory, Rafe spun the laptop around, pushing it in front of her. “You get to work while I go see about rectifying our current lack of caffeine.”

“Yes, Sir.” She started clicking away before he even stood. When he glanced back from the parlor door, she was frantically typing, hitting the keys with enough force that he winced. The laptop was brand fucking new.

Not that he could bring himself to scold her. He headed for the kitchen without so much as a single word. It couldn’t be more abundantly obvious her anxiety was going haywire while she waited for a response from her sister. For fuck’s sake, she even went so far as to steal his phone, her desperation to check her email in the middle of the night making her forget he had a password. At least he assumed she forgot. Nothing on his phone looked out of place when he checked this morning, but maybe he should change his password anyway, just in case.

He would’ve punished her if the whole thing wasn’t so fucking heartbreaking. Well, and then she made the joke about the bidet light. He couldn’t have stopped himself from laughing if he tried. (And he did try, exceptionally hard.) How the hell could he spank her after that?