Immediately, her gaze zeroed in on his name. His latest email arrived like clockwork at 12:48 that morning. She went to open it, but stopped dead when she saw the subject line:I see you found all my emails at last.
Well, fuck. She should’ve known Micah would have her password. He’d needed total control over every aspect of her life.
The phone app showed more of a preview than Rafe’s laptop, and she found her gaze hungrily flying over the additional words.
Dearest Noelle, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know you’re safe. I’ve worried each and every m...
Holding her breath, she tapped on the email, feeling like a hand gripped her heart, twisting and tearing it without reserve.
Dearest Noelle,
I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know you’re safe. I’ve worried each and every moment since the day you disappeared. At first, part of me was afraid you hadn’t left of your own free will. That you had been taken from me.
But then, with time, I realized that of course you left. How could you not with the way I treated you? Here I was, with the most precious thing in all the world in my possession, and I acted not only like a fucking fool, but like a monster.
I should have revered you. Cherished each and every occurrence of your submission. Rewarded you beyond measuring for your trust and your love. Instead, I did what so many fools do when they gain power over another. I tried to break you, just to prove to myself that I could.
I did so many things that go beyond the possibility of forgiveness. I’m not writing this to try to get you back. The last several months of intensive therapy have made it so very clear to me that whatever trust you once put in me has been irrevocably broken.
I needed you to know how very sorry I am, and that you don’t need to worry about this happening again to another girl. I may never again trust myself with a submissive, but if I do, it’ll be after months of more therapy, if not years. I won’t risk hurting another the way I hurt you, even if that means I spend the rest of my life alone.
I hope you find peace and happiness in your life. You deserve it.
Nell stared at the screen for a long time after she finished, her eyes no longer focusing. The Micah she knew would never have been able to say the things she just read. Hell, he probably wouldn’t have even been able to think them.
Was it possible thirteen months of soul searching and therapy could really have such a profound effect on a person?
Or was it much more likely he realized berating and insulting her would never win her back. But manipulation and pretty words actually stood a chance.
Well, at least Micah was right about one thing in his email—her trust in him was definitely irrevocably broken.
Signing out before she could do anything else stupid, she once again got all the tabs looking exactly like when Rafe put his phone down for the night. Now all she had to do was put it back without him waking up.
Figuring she might as well actually use the facilities before she went back to bed, she set his phone on the edge of the counter.
Every muscle in her body tensed as the phone crashed to the floor.Fuck, fuck, fuck!After being so careful this whole time, one stupid moment of inattention—
“Nell?” Rafe’s low voice carried through the door, hoarse and groggy with sleep.
She froze, listening, hoping he only partially awakened. That he fell back asleep without noticing she was gone.
“Nell, are you all right?” His voice was already halfway across the suite. “I thought I heard something fall.”
With no more time to waste, she swooped down, groping around for the phone in the dark. Fucking fuck, where was it? Any second, Rafe would walk through that door, flick on the light, and find her naked on the toilet, trying to find his phone in the dark. She didn’t even want to guess what he’d do for such a transgression. If only she could fuckingsee.
Inspiration hit her like a bolt of lightning. She knew exactly where she could get the light she needed.
Nell spread her legs wide, and blue light came pouring out of her nether regions.
Before she could stop herself, she let out a single bark of surprised laughter. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she smothered the way-too-loud sound, but it was too late.
Rafe called out, “What’s going on in there?” from the other side of the door. It was impossible to tell if he sounded amused or suspicious.
Blood pounding through her veins like the rush of a tidal wave, she snatched the phone up from the tile floor and, without any other options available, threw it in the trash can, covering it with a few dirty tissues. She only just straightened up when Rafe partially opened the door, poking his head in. He must’ve turned on the floor lamp in the sitting area on his way by, because a dim light fell across half his face.