The impish look in her eyes made Rafe want to spank her and fuck her and absolutely fucking cherish her all at once. How she could still be so naughty, so playful after all she’d been through was quite beyond him. The woman was a goddamn marvel.

After several seconds, she managed a very garbled, “Yes, Sir.”

Repressing a chuckle, Rafe withdrew his fingers and grabbed the paddle again. “Maybe this will loosen you up.” The dark promise in his voice made Nell’s shoulders tense. But Camden was hard at work on her throat again, making it impossible for her to see what he was up to.

Covering the long, straight handle of the paddle with copious amounts of lube, he then pressed the rounded tip against her rear hole. She stiffened, one of her legs actually kicking out as if to knock him away.

With his free hand, Rafe gave her three harsh smacks on her right ass cheek. “Be still.”

Nell settled down immediately, calmed by the command in his voice. And as he pumped the paddle handle in and out of her, its squared edges undoubtedly uncomfortable as fuck, she finally relaxed.

“Good girl.” Tossing the paddle aside, he opened the front of his slacks, groaning as his cock sprang free. He’d denied himself for long enough.

It took mere seconds to apply a healthy dose of lube, and then he was finally, miraculously pressing into her. Christ almighty, she felt good. “So...fucking...tight,” he gasped out, pushing, pushing, refusing to withdraw until he buried himself inside her.

When at last his hips pressed against the deep red of her punished ass, he took a moment to collect himself. The last thing he wanted was to come quickly and ruin the scene, but fucking hell, it felt like his cock was in a vise.

“You’d better get moving,” Camden said, voice strained. He had his eyes shut tight, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead. “I’m not sure how much longer I can last.” Apparently he hadn’t expected her to be quite so adept at deep-throating either.

Nell’s fantasy was quite clear about being fucked by two professors at once. He’d stalled for long enough.

Gripping her hips with bruising pressure, Rafe pulled out most of the way before slamming back in. She made that humming noise again, cutting it off abruptly when Camden lightly slapped her face.

He allowed himself two more slow withdrawals, followed by hard, fast thrusts. Just to get them both used to the feeling. And then all bets were off.

Rafe drove into her with a speed and violence that surprised even him. The dirty little slut deserved it. Cheating on purpose to get his attention, lying to seduce him, swallowing another man’s cock when she was supposed to be worshipping his, only his. She belonged tohim.

He lost himself so utterly in the fantasy, he jumped when Camden said, “Hold her up for me.”

It took him a moment to realize what Camden meant. Then with a hard grin, he wrapped her long hair around his fist once, twice. The other Dom pulled out of her mouth at the last second, and Nell screamed as Rafe hauled her up.

Wrapping a giant hand around his own cock, Camden pumped furiously. Rafe continued fucking her, his movement making her torso rock back and forth in time with his thrusts. Not seeming to mind the moving target, Camden let loose a string of profanity as he finally came, shooting thick jets of come onto her chest, neck, and chin.

With a roar, Rafe pulled out completely, yanking her all the way up by her hair. A few quick pulls, and the tie fell away from her hands. Before she could even react to her new freedom, he spun her around, pushing her down onto the desk on her back.

“Hold her arms above her head,” he ordered, ripping off her panties and tossing them aside. He flipped her legs up over his shoulders as Camden pressed her wrists against the desktop with one hand.

There was barely any resistance as Rafe plunged back into her ass. Nell threw back her head and screamed, her legs clenching around his neck, cutting off some of his air.

“Put your other hand around her throat.” He had to force the words out between clenched teeth. “Show her who’s in fucking control.”

As Camden followed his lead without question, Rafe wrapped an arm around one of her muscular thighs. His thumb found her clit again, but this time, he had no intention of teasing her. Her hips bucked as he pressed hard against the tiny bundle of nerves, then began a circular motion in perfect rhythm with his thrusts.

The skirt bunched up around her waist, her panting breaths, the way her face screwed up in mingled pain and ecstasy, her come-covered breasts bouncing each time his pelvis slapped against her skin—

“Fucking hell!” He was going to lose control any fucking second.

He pinched her clit hard enough to make her scream again. And then they were both coming together, her ass spasming around him as his whole body jerked, no trace of rhythm left.

When at last they both stilled, Rafe lowered her legs to his sides and pulled her up into his arms. He didn’t even spare a single thought for the mess it made of his clothes to press her chest against his, splaying his hands across her back. All he knew was that he wanted to touch as much of her bare skin as possible.

Face buried in his neck, there was something very like awe in her voice when she whispered, “Thank you.”



The glowing green numbers on the bedside clock read 3:08. Grabbing the pillow from beneath her head, Nell pressed it tight as she could against her face and screamed as loudly as she dared. God only knew what would happen if she woke the man sleeping beside her.