Holly (my sister)

Cady (my best friend from high school)

Ben (my other best friend from high school)

My mom

My dad

Her parents were the least likely to ever forgive her, and Nell couldn’t blame them. Not after everything she put them through. But there was at least a chance with the others.

She left her old cell behind at Micah’s when she ran away, so calling her sister was out of the question. And who knew where Holly lived these days, which meant a letter wouldn’t work.

There was always a chance she still used the same email address, though. That would be easy enough to track down.

Double-clicking on Rafe’s internet browser, she navigated to the login page for her old email address. Like the phone, she abandoned it when she left Micah. Though honestly, she hadn’t looked at it much for years before that. Who would want to email her anyway?

Nell typed in the login info, but couldn’t make herself hit enter. Her mind spun with all the ways this was a truly terrible idea.

It probably wouldn’t even work. Nearly a decade had passed since she last emailed her sister. The chances she still used the same account were pretty slim. What if she’d gotten married? Presto chango, hello new email address.

Even if itdidwork, Holly would probably tell her to fuck off. Or, even worse, ignore her entirely.

And scariest of all, there could be emails from Micah in there. It would’ve been his only avenue to contact her or attempt to track her movements once he found her phone and credit cards on his nightstand.

She already earned a point by making the list. If she could get two more doing the job search thing, Rafe would still give her one of her fantasies today. It might be smart to take a day to consider the possible repercussions of this decision.

Fuck it.

Hitting the enter key with far more force than necessary, she held her breath as her inbox loaded.

Inbox 10,153

“Oh, good lord,” she muttered under her breath.

Rafe glanced at her over the laptop screen. “Need help?”

Before she could answer, her gaze fell on the sender of an email she received at 12:53 that morning—Micah O’Neill.

He emailed her today? It would be exactly thirteen months since she left him later this week, the day before Halloween. Why in the actual fuck was he still emailing her?

She raked her gaze over the subject line and preview, unable to stop herself from reading the words.

More Progress– Noelle, I had another breakthrough in therapy yesterday and...

“Nell? I asked you a question.”

Her gaze snapped up to meet his. “No, Sir. Thank you, but I’ve got this.”

Right clicking on her ex’s name, Nell choseFind emails from Micah O’Neill. Her eyes widened as she scrolled through the hundreds of unread emails, dating back to the day after she left. The oldest one was more what she had expected.

Where the fuck are you???– How dare you leave, you little cunt! Get your ass...

In the beginning, he sent several emails of that ilk a day. But after a few months of that, he started sending only one a day, and from the looks of it, they got increasingly calmer and nicer.

Her heart pounded so fucking hard it was amazing Rafe didn’t hear it. She could hear the rush of it in her ears, feel it in her skin. Part of her was desperate to know what all these emails contained, while the rest of her wanted nothing more than to throw the laptop across the room. Those two warring sides kept the cursor hovering over the email from that morning for over a minute.

Was he seriously in therapy? For her? The Micah she’d been with all those years thought he was the epitome of perfection. He never would’ve sought out any sort of help to better himself. Maybe her sudden departure was the wake-up call he needed.