Each morning, the submissive will be given an opportunity to complete any of the tasks listed below. Each point earned will result in one orgasm provided by the Dominant (or a proxy of the Dominant) throughout the course of the day. A failure to complete any tasks will result in the submissive wearing a chastity device until the next morning.

The available tasks are as follows:

‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Make a list of people you wish were still in your life (1 use only)

Email, call, or send a letter to one of the people on your list

Do research toward figuring out your new dream job

Make a list of required steps to make that dream a reality

Work toward completing any of the steps on that list

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎If the submissive earns three or more points on a single day, she will be given an opportunity to choose one of her sexual fantasies. As a reward, the Dominant will do anything in his power to make that fantasy a reality.

The Dominant will ensure the submissive has at least as many orgasms as the number of points she earned on any given day.

Nell stared at the screen far longer than necessary, buying herself time. He couldn’t possibly be serious, could he?

If she refused to go along with this ridiculous plan, though...a chastity device and zero orgasms? That would be the week from hell, not the perfect reintroduction to kink Mistress Freya had promised. She had to stop that from happening at all costs.

But there was no fucking way she could reach out to her family or old friends. She made her shitty choices, and now she had to live with the consequences. As if any of them would want to talk to her anyway.

Holly might.

The thought hit her like a baseball bat to the chest, making it impossible to breathe for several seconds. Closing her eyes, she focused on the tingling sensation in her fingertips—the one “normal” meditation technique she found that worked for her. As soon as she found her center again, she forced air slowly in and out of her lungs.

Okay, yes, Holly probably wanted to talk to her. They were Irish twins, born only days shy of a year apart, and were so alike in looks most people assumed they were actualtwins. They couldn’t have been more different in temperament, but that hadn’t stopped them from being best friends for as long as either could remember. Holly and Nell had always been each other’s ride or die...at least until Micah got into her head.

Nell would do anything to get back to that place with her older sister. But how in the actual hell could she earn back Holly’s trust? She hadn’t merely burned that bridge. She obliterated it.

“Why don’t you say whatever’s worrying you out loud,” Rafe said, snapping her mind back into the present. He had that delightfully domineering look in his gray-green eyes again, but it softened when their gazes met. “Then we can work together to figure out if there’s any way forward.”

Nell opened her mouth with every intention of talking about her sister. But what came out instead was, “Will I seriously not get any more orgasms all week if I don’t do any of this?” Apparently, her pussy had hijacked her brain—not shocking since it had been pulsing with need from the moment she read about Rafe’s potential rewards.

The corners of Rafe’s eyes crinkled the tiniest bit. It didn’t look like he smiled or laughed very often. “As fun as that would be for me, no, this isn’t mandatory. If you choose not to do it, we’ll move on. Though I think a big part of you wants everything on this list to happen. I know how desperately you want to get back everything you lost. Whole new beautiful you, remember?”

Her fingertips traced the scars beneath her butterfly tattoo, the movement involuntary. She started cutting when she was seventeen, slicing the long, thin lines into her skin with a razorblade. She hadn’t understood why she longed for the pain. Only that it eased an ache in her she lacked the knowledge or context to understand.

Holly found out eventually and made her promise never to do it again—a promise that became infinitely easier to keep when she stumbled into the BDSM lifestyle. Suddenly, the things she longed for had a proper name.

“And if you do these things...” The gentleness in Rafe’s eyes turned to scorching heat.“Kitten, I can make every single one of your fantasies come true.”

An involuntary shiver ran down her spine at the intensity in his eyes. God, he probably could make all her fantasies come true. She’d foolishly believed Micah could do it, and perhaps believing Rafe would make her an even bigger fool. And yet, there was something so fundamentally different about the man in front of her. If she held up her end, there was no doubt in her mind he’d hold up his.

And besides, what was the worst that could happen? Yeah, okay, maybe her family and friends would all reject her like she rejected them, and that would majorly suck. But if they didn’t...if there was even the slightest chance of getting Holly and the others back in her life...

“All right,” she said, hating how small and scared her voice sounded. “Let’s do this, Sir.”

His answering sigh sounded relieved more than anything else. As if he hadn’t expected her to go along with it. “Good girl.” Cupping her cheek, he leaned down to plant a hard kiss on her lips. “The laptop is yours. If you want any help, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll let you be until you’re ready to show me what you’ve done.”

Relief flowed through her, loosening the ball of anxiety in her stomach. This would all be hard enough without someone breathing down her neck while she did it. “Thank you, Sir.”

With a small nod, Rafe fished his phone out of his pocket and leaned back against the sofa’s blue velvet upholstery. Nell waited until he was staring down at his phone before she returned her attention to the contract on the laptop screen.

Easiest task of all was making the list of people. She already knew who she wanted on it, even if she was too petrified to contact most of them. Opening up a blank document, she typed out the list that had been lurking around in her head for years.

People I Want Back in My Life