“Almost thirteen months, Sir.” That’s when she finally did it—packed her single bag and escaped from Micah for good.
“Mmm,” he said, his fingers digging even harder into her flesh. “Such a long time. Your ass is going to be so soft and supple under my belt.”
Nell’s breath hitched, and she squeezed her eyes shut even tighter. She fuckinglovedthe feel of leather biting into her skin. His T-shirt had hidden his belt from her view thus far, but she imagined what it would look like in his hand—a wide strip of worn leather with a gleaming silver buckle, doubled over in his fist. A moan slipped out before she could stop it.
“Does that excite you?” Rafe asked, one hand sliding lower, slipping into her wet folds. He pumped two fingers into her, then stopped. “That wasn’t rhetorical, little girl.”
“Yes.” The single word rushed out on a harsh exhale.
His fingers resumed their pumping motion. “What about it?”
“The pain,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “But not only that. It’s also that you wantto give it to me. That it excitesyouwhen I’m a good girl and let you hurt me.”
Rafe’s other hand slipped around to her front, sliding between her pelvis and the Saint Andrew’s cross. It was only a moment before he found her clit again, rubbing it with more pressure than he had upstairs.
“Please, Sir,” she said, her breaths coming faster and faster with each passing moment, every muscle in her body taut. “Please, please, please.”
Both hands sped up, rubbing and finger fucking her until she couldn’t think straight, until she was about to tumble off the edge.Any...second...
That’s when he pulled away.
Nell’s cry was more than a little indignant.
“Don’t worry.” She didn’t have to see his face to know he was smirking. “I’ll let you come before the night is out.”
Before the night is out?It was six thirty, if that. How long was he going to keep her on edge like this?
But she knew for sure it would only take longer if she voiced her objection. Hoping for a point or two in her favor, she forced out a polite, “Thank you, Sir,” instead.
Chuckling darkly, he ran fingertips slick with her own moisture down her sides. The wet trails cooled as he gripped her hips, making her shiver. “Don’t think you can sweet talk me into letting you come sooner. You’ll get your pleasure when and only when I choose to give it to you, understand?”
God-fucking-damn, she hadn’t been this turned on inyears. Not since early in her relationship with Micah—before he’d let her see the real him. But there was also a fear that hadn’t existed twelve years ago.
She found herself pulling on the cuffs, checking them for possible weaknesses. It took every bit of self-control she had to be still again.He’s not Micah. Mistress Freya trusts him. He’s not Micah.“Yes, Sir.” Her voice shook. She couldn’t help it. “I understand.”
“Good girl.” He stepped away from her, leaving her feeling deserted and exposed. Her heart pounded so hard, she could feel her blood rushing through her veins, making her a little lightheaded.
The word fluttered right there on the tip of her tongue. She wasn’t fucking ready for this. Maybe she’d neverbe ready again.
But then the belt cracked against her skin, the sound so loud she jolted more from that than the pain. The initial burn dulled into a delicious throb after only a few seconds.
Tears sprang to her eyes—not because it hurt too much, but from sheer relief. It had been so fucking long since someone hurt her with her needs in mind instead of his,andby God it felt good.
The belt came down again, even harder this time, and her cry was one of ecstasy. This wasn’t Micah. Everything felt different this time. All the scenes she loved between Jasper and Penny in Valhalla flashed through her mind. She could do this. She relaxed against the Saint Andrew’s cross as she waited for the next stroke.
“That’s my girl,” Rafe murmured in her ear, his voice low and rough. Only then did the spanking begin properly.
He started up a steady rhythm, mere moments passing between each heavy impact. She could hear him exhale every time the leather bit her skin, and after a while, her breathing fell into sync with his.
Up and down the belt traveled in a careful path, from the top of her ass down to her tender sit spots, over and over and over. After a while, the burn stopped dulling. It built instead, until her ass felt like it was literally on fire, and she was sure every inch of the skin was bright red.
Without any warning, Rafe tossed the belt aside and plunged three fingers into her pussy, twisting them around, testing her wetness. Wrenching his fingers free, he leaned against her, his weight flattening her against the padded cross, and wrapped his wet fingers around her throat. “You liked that, didn’t you, you little pain slut,” he rasped into her ear. “I could spank you all night, and you’d just get wetter and wetter, until it dripped down your legs to the floor.”
Nell swallowed, loving how it made his hand press even tighter against her windpipe. If only he’d squeeze harder, choke off her air for real, even if only for a few seconds.
As if reading her mind, Rafe’s hand tightened around her throat. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she struggled to breathe, and she gave herself over to the different sensations coursing through her body.