An idea spurred in Rafe’s mind—or half an idea anyway. He needed to let it percolate before he knew if there was anything there. “So how did Micah get you away from Brian?” he asked, wanting to keep her talking.

“I’d been wanting more from Brian. More time. A stronger commitment to each other. I wanted him to take me as deep as we could possibly go into the whole BDSM thing...but it was always later, later, later. Then Micah came along, and he offered me everything I ever wanted. I fell for him so fast and hard, it’s honestly embarrassing.”

“He figured out exactly what you wanted to hear. Of course you fell for him.”

With another little shrug, she said, “My friends and sister and parents despised him. My two best friends from high school and my sister Holly even staged an intervention once. They came down to L.A. when I wouldn’t go home for Christmas. Jesus, why didn’t I listen to them? Instead, I got so fucking mad. The shit I said to them...” Her sigh carried so many years of pain and regret, it made his chest ache. “I don’t blame them for not talking to me after that. I wouldn’t talk to me either. And, of course, there Micah was, convincing me they were just jealous.”

“Like I said,” Rafe started, clearing his throat when his voice caught, “that’s what abusers do. Isolate and manipulate. If he could get you away from all the people who loved you and were looking out for you, the better his chances of keeping you under his thumb.”

Her voice was so soft, he strained to hear her when she said, “Yeah, well, by the time I realized how bad things were, I was in so deep I didn’t know how to get out.” Her whole body trembled.

“Enough,” Rafe said, hauling her up so she sat facing him, her legs straddling his thighs. “That’s enough for now.” Burying his hands in her hair, he held her still as his mouth crashed down over hers. He kissed her long and hard, the strokes of his tongue demanding, fingers tugging her hair enough to hurt.

Nell moaned into his mouth, rocking her pelvis along the bulge of his erection, clearly trying to spur him to do more.

When at last he pulled away, she was panting for breath. “Please don’t stop,” she begged, burying her hands in his hair as well, trying to pull his face closer to hers.

“Hands behind your back,” he ordered, his voice like the crack of a whip. She reacted exactly as he wanted, jerking back, eyes flying open. Pulling away from him as if his skin burned her, she wrapped her fingers around her wrists at the small of her back. She opened her mouth to speak—presumably to apologize—but then snapped it closed with an audible click of her teeth.

“Good girl. You didn’t know this, so you’re not in trouble. But you’re not to touch me unless I give you permission first. Do you understand?”

Her eyes stayed wide as she whispered, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. And you were such a good girl before, telling me more of your story than I ever could’ve asked for. For that, you get to pick what happens next. You’ve more than earned a reward. Tell me what you want.”

“Spank me and fuck me.” The words spilled out of her as a desperate plea. “As hard as you’re willing to.Please, Sir.It’s been so fucking long. I’m burning up from the inside out.”

The intensity in her eyes stole his breath away. “That can be arranged.”



“Holy shit.” The words left Nell’s mouth before she even thought them. The dungeon now stretching out before her was that incredible. She’d never seen so many different pieces of dungeon furniture in one place. Hell, she didn’t even recognize all of them, and she was no stranger to a BDSM dungeon. She worked in one for fuck’s sake.

Rafe moved up behind her, draping his hands over her shoulders, fingers splayed across her collarbones. “This is my sanctuary. My kingdom. The one place in the world where everything is as it should be.” He tightened his grip until her breath caught. “I have a suspicion you’ll feel exactly the same way.”

She had a feeling he might be right. The low lighting and dark neutral colors, the uber sensual music, the cries of another sub as she was cropped nearby...the overwhelming sexiness of the man behind her. It all combined to make the most deliciously powerful aphrodisiac she’d ever come across.

It would be so easy to let go and lose herself in a place like this. And with a man like Rafe...

She still didn’t understand what made her spill so many of her secrets upstairs. Something about the way he straddled the line between understanding and demanding, kindness and pain, seemed to force the words out of her like a truth potion. Especially after he saw the scars—saw them and didn’t turn away with disgust.

“It’s time for these to go,” Rafe said, his hands trailing down her back to the clasp of her bra. Once he tossed that aside, he knelt behind her, sliding her panties down her legs inch by slow, painstaking inch, the brush of his fingers spreading goosebumps across her skin. As soon as her panties joined her discarded bra, he took her hand, the strength of his grip making it clear she had no choice in the matter. “I know just the place for you. This way.”

Her heart raced as he led her across the dungeon, past endless types of spanking benches and bondage tables, stockades and pillories to twist subs into a myriad of positions, and cages of different sizes. Various tables and cabinets filled each section of the dungeon, stocked with every size, shape, color, and type of spanking, penetrating, restraining, and vibrating implement imaginable. Good God, this place had more toys than even the best sex stores.

When Rafe finally came to a halt, they stood in front of a black metal Saint Andrew’s cross with matching padding. It towered over both of them, with deep crimson nylon cuffs dangling from four metal rings screwed into the beams. Rafe got to work moving the top two rings, screwing them back in at the highest possible position.

“Let’s see if this is tall enough to stretch you out,” he said, giving her long legs an appreciative leer.

Blushing with pleasure, Nell stepped forward, letting him guide her into position facing the cross. It stood at a slight angle, so she had no choice but to lean all her weight against it.

Rafe strapped her arms in first, letting loose a low growl of pleasure when she had to fully extend them to reach the wrist cuffs. He hurried to cuff her ankles to the lower corners, then stepped back to survey his work. “Perfect. This cross was made for you.”

Another blush heating her skin, Nell closed her eyes and smiled. “Thank you, Sir.” She couldn’t imagine Micah or Brian ever saying something so kind to her. It made her feel more beautiful than she had in years.

Rafe moved up behind her, close enough for his breath to tickle the side of her neck. He gripped her ass, kneading it with his fingers, spreading her cheeks wide. “How long has it been since your last real spanking?” he asked, his lips brushing against her ear.