“You’re not the only person here who loves someone they’re not supposed to. At least the person you love loves you back. And you’re either too stupid or too spineless to do anything about it.”

The pain in Zach’s voice filled Aiden with shame. It had been more than three years since Zach started working there, and yet he barely knew a thing about the man. Their conversations had always been so superficial.

Or else they’d been about Aiden’s problems.

“I’m really sorry.” Aiden had to speak around the lump in his throat. “I’m realizing I haven’t been a very good friend. But I promise I’ll be better if you’ll let me.”

That placated Zach somewhat. When next he spoke, there was a hint of kindness in his voice. “Thank you. I’d like that.” Uncrossing his arms, he shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. “Sorry for going off on you. I know you’ve got a lot of shit to deal with right now.”

“No, I deserved that.” He’d never even asked Zach about his love life, while Zach had to listen to him complain all the time about the various women who came through the Manor’s doors. “Do you want to grab a beer and talk about it?”

One corner of Zach’s mouth lifted. “I’m not really agrab a beer with the boyskind of guy. But thanks for the offer. Besides”—he gave Aiden a pointed look—“I’m a lost cause. You’re the one we can fix right here and now.”

Leaning back against the doorframe, Aiden groaned. “There’s nothing to fix. She’s gone. It’s over.”

“Do you love her?” Zach said it as if the answer was all that mattered.

“Of course I love her,” Aiden snapped. “What does that have to do with anything?”

Zach rolled his eyes up toward the vaulted ceiling. “Oh, please.”

So much for their temporary truce. “Listen,” he said, glaring. “I wish it was that simple. I really do. But I can’t offer her the kind of relationship she wants. Not while still working here. And I gave upeverythingfor this place. I’m not leaving until I have no fucking choice.”

Zach didn’t so much as blink at the hostility in his voice. He was cool as a cucumber when he asked, “What kind of relationship does she want?”

“I don’t know,” Aiden said, getting frustrated again. “A normal one. And there’s nothing normal about the Manor.”

Arching his brows, Zach asked, “What do you mean by normal? Like, faithful? Did sheaskyou for a monogamous relationship?”

“Yes!” Aiden practically shouted. But then honesty forced him to add, “Sort of. She didn’t come right out and say it. But it was implied.” Why else would she have said that about leaving the Manor?

Cocking his head to one side, Zach said, “Really? Cause I seem to remember you, Mason, and Camden fucking her three ways from Sunday out by the pool. She didn’t appear to mind it all that much.”

“Jesus, are you always watching the security feed?” Aiden wasn’t sure if he was annoyed or impressed.

Zach shrugged. “Only when there’s nothing better to do. But that’s not the point. She wants you to share her.Obviously.Did you ask her if she’s okay sharing you?”

He ran through their conversation from the night before, going over and over every word he could remember. “Not explicitly, no.”

“Do you think maybe you...should? At least then you’ll know for sure.”

“And if she says no?”

Another shrug. “Then you have to decide which is more important to you. Her or this place.” Aiden started to respond, but Zach talked over him. “I know, I know. You gave up everything for the Manor. I don’t doubt it. But is it really worth giving up even more? The Manor can never love you back.”

Aiden felt like he’d been sucker punched in the gut. There wasn’t enough air in the room anymore.

Seeming to think he’d said enough, Zach turned, heading into his little office.

“Wait.” Aiden took three long strides across the lobby, the hard soles of his shoes clicking against the marble tiles.

When Zach turned, there were tears glistening in his eyes. He motioned for Aiden to continue.

“What would you do? If you were me, I mean.”

The seconds dragged by, Zach opening his mouth a couple times before immediately closing it again. At last, he said, “I’d do anything for the person I love. That’s why I stay here, even though I know I’m just torturing myself.” Before Aiden could work out what the hell that meant, he slipped the rest of the way into his office, closing the door behind him.

Was Zach in love with someone at the Manor? Someone who didn’t return his feelings? It was the only theory that made sense, though he had no idea who it could be.