Page 43 of Bad Behavior

“I think it would be better if you left,” I say in a strangled voice. “I should… I should go shower.”

I look around for my towel, growing frantic. What have I done? There’s no way to undo this, not now. I find my towel, and use it to cover my cock.

“But you just came from the shower!” she says, confused. “Why are you being weird all the sudden?”

I take several steps back towards the door. I look at Emma, her cheeks dark pink and her hair wild.

“This was… we can’t do this,” I manage. “We just can’t.”

That’s all I can say. I rip open my door and throw myself down the hall, until I’m safely behind the bathroom door again.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! I think. This is really fucked, now. Asher officially has the grounds to never speak to me again.

I sink onto the bathroom floor, hoping like hell that Emma will just go. I just can’t explain my chaotic thinking to her when I leave this room.

I lick my lips, the taste of her still on my lips, like a burning brand.

What have I done?