I’m in my last final exam, scribbling the last answer down. I grin foolishly at the finished paper in front of me. I’m done with it, done with the class. Actually, I’m done with all my classes now, as of this moment.
I’m so happy that I actually skip up to the front of the room, dropping my final exam in the basket on the desk. Dr. Smith looks up from his New York Times.
“Finished?” he asks.
“All done.” From the pile of papers underneath mine, I can see that I’m not the first. But given that there are twenty more people still taking the exam, I’m not the last one either.
“You may go,” he says, already turning his attention back to the arts section of the paper.
I leave the room with a grin on my face. Mouthing, “I’m done!” to myself as I walk down the stairs feels silly but also satisfying. I deserve something really, really good for finishing my first year of law school… and I know exactly what I want.
As I slide into my Mercedes, I pull out my phone and text Jameson. It’s been a few days since we spent the night together. I wanted to give him plenty of space, not to crowd him too much. But I feel like celebrating today, for sure.
Hey. I’m in the mood to party. And by party, I mean surf! Are you interested?
I don’t get anything back right away, so I head home for a minute. When I pull up outside my house, there are two messages waiting for me. The first is a picture of the ocean, captured just as a wave is rolling in. The second says: I’m at Breakneck Cove already. You can join if you want.
That’s kind of a weird way to phrase it, but all right. I’m still excited to see him.
I hurry to change into a tiny string bikini, a crop top, and a pair of shorts. I throw my wetsuit into the car, wrestle my new pink surf board in as well, then make the quick drive over to the beach.
Breakneck Cove is close, but it’s also kinda packed. The parking lot is jammed full of cars, and people have started parking along the side of the road. Luckily, I see a parking space opening up just as I’m about to enter the lot. I spot J’s car as I pull in, and can’t help but smile as I grab my surfboard.
I go past the parking lot, taking the well-trodden path down to the sandy beach. I’m taken aback by the sheer number of people on the beach at first. There are kids laughing and playing near the water, their corresponding adults shading their eyes and looking on from the positions further up the beach.
I trudge down the beach. It takes me a minute to find Jameson… and when I do, he is not alone. In fact, he’s with three hot girls, trying to catch a frisbee that one of them threw. I stop, worrying my bottom lip.
At least Jameson has a shirt on… because I’ve seen him without one, and I know what effect it has on women. He’s so tall and dashing, with his board shorts and sunglasses. I see one of the girls check him out, not subtly either.
I look at the girls, all gorgeous beach bunny types in string bikinis and shorts. Basically the types of girls I’ve been trying to imitate. Jameson tosses the frisbee, his whole body flexing for a second. He looks tall and handsome next to the sexy, age-appropriate women he’s with.
I am suddenly so jealous that I almost can’t stand myself. Jameson looks over and sees me. He raises his hand in greeting.
Perfect. Now I don’t have much of a choice. I have to go over there.
I slog over there, hating myself for feeling so much jealousy. After all, it’s not like I own Jameson. He can do whatever he wants… I would just rather not see it. Or know about it.
Or even think that it might happen, honestly. I frown.
“Hey,” Jameson greets me as I put my surfboard down. He sees my expression, and looks a bit puzzled. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I say, shading my eyes as I look out onto the ocean. “Who are your friends?”
“Who, them?” he says, motioning to the girls. He wrinkles his nose. “Just some girls that hang out with the group that I usually surf with.”
“Ohhh,” I say, relieved. “I mean, that’s cool.”
He arches a brow. “Is it?”
I blush. I decide to joke my way out of awkwardness. “I just came to learn to surf. You gonna teach me, or what?”
Jameson doesn’t look particularly convinced, but he lets it slide.
“Let me grab my board and my wetsuit. We’ll go a little bit down the beach, away from the crowds.”