Page 20 of Bad Behavior



Current Day

Iam deep in thought as I mop the floors of Cure, reflecting on that time that we stayed in Asher’s guest house. We were able to string things along for almost a year and a half, sneaking in and out and avoiding the Alderisis.

When Mr. Alderisi eventually caught us and threw us out, I had saved quite a bit of money. I was able to pay for a downpayment on a one bedroom bungalow. I would never have been able to work and watch my brothers and still have a little money left over… not without Asher.

And that is why I have to keep reminding myself that, until the recent stuff with Jenna, Asher’s been a remarkable friend. I’m not loyal to many things or people, but Asher…

Asher is good, deep down to his bones. That’s why I can’t stand to see him with someone who just uses him. And also why I can’t betray him, can’t sneak around behind his back with Emma.

Not ever.

No matter how tempted I am. No matter my personal feelings.

No matter how amazing she looked yesterday in those ridiculously short shorts. Every time she wasn’t looking, I was scoping her out…

But that’s all, I tell myself.

It’s also why I have gone out of my way to try to apologize to him for the misunderstanding last week. I’ve waited at home, but he hasn’t been there all week. I’ve tried to talk to him here at the bar, but I’ve been shut down.

I get that he needs time to pout and lick his wounds, but he’s going to have to forgive me eventually… especially since I didn’t actually do anything wrong.

I check my watch and redouble my efforts on the floors, trying to finish before Alice and Gunnar get here to start their shifts. I finish mopping, then head to the bathroom to stow the mop. I hear the door chime, and assume that one of the other employees has arrived.

When I head back out though, Emma glances up at me from the bar. She’s got a stack of books with her, and a notebook.

She also looks fucking hot, in a black miniskirt and a navy striped tank top. I notice that she’s wearing lipstick, which is normally not something I’d even see.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“Hey,” she says, smiling a little. “I figured this was as good a place as any to study. You don’t mind me being here, do you?”

I tamp down any feelings I might be having and shrug. “Doesn’t bother me.”

Her smile slowly vanishes. “Right.”

I head behind the bar, cutting some lemons, limes, and oranges. I keep sneaking peeks at Emma while I work. I can look, I just can’t touch. Or even fantasize about touching.

Her dark hair is pulled into a messy bun. As she looks down at her textbook, she nibbles on the end of a pen, a little furrow in her brow. Now and then, she pulls the pen from her lips and makes a note of something.

“Do you want something to drink?” I offer, feeling like a creepy old man.

She purses her lips. “Maybe just a water? When I’m done, I’ll celebrate with a drink.”

I grab her a bottle of water. I try not to stare as she gulps half of it down in one go, her throat moving faintly.

I try not to look, honestly I do. As Gunnar and Alice arrive, I keep myself busy. I work the service bar, making drinks for the tables, and let Gunnar woo his patrons at the bar.

As the bar starts to get a little more crowded, I relax into the rhythm of making drinks and opening beers. I can get pretty zen back behind the bar, not talking to anybody. Just being in my well, my space that I have set up just how I like it.

The drinks are set up for a pretty automatic mixing process. First I pour the liquor in the shaker. Then the fruit juice or liqueurs. Then I top it off with ice, and shake or stir the drink. Finally, I pour it into a glass, usually straining the ice… and top it with a garnish.

The music is loud, some BritPop remix album that Alice put on. I bob my head along to the beat, getting into my groove. I occasionally sip a beer that I keep on ice, but otherwise just keep rolling.

Emma is definitely still sitting at the bar, still sucking on that pen, but I do my best to ignore her.