“Hmm. I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it. Do you have any big purchases planned this year?”
“Not really. I have several surf boards. I have a car. I have my bike. I have the bar. Really the only things I want, I have already.” And it’s mostly true. I do have almost everything I want.
Well, except for a girlfriend, but that’s complicated. I broke up with my last girlfriend a few months ago. Between Cure and the GED, I haven’t thought about dating since then.
Not that I would say any of that to Emma. I clear my throat, shifting a little to put an extra inch between us.
“Well, think about it. This has been an information-gathering session, more than anything. It will help me formulate a plan of attack.”
“Just… don’t set the bar too high.” I rub the back of my neck. “Remember, I’ll probably fail. I dropped out of ninth grade for a reason.”
Emma looks immediately scornful.
“Yeah, you dropped out to make sure that Forest and Gunnar had someplace to live. I just—” She pauses, then puts her hand on my knee. It feels warm through my jeans. “I hope you realize that leaving school early doesn’t make you dumb.”
I get fidgety, hearing her say those things, and stand up. I know it’s rude, but it’s better this way. “Yeah, all right. Are we done here for tonight?”
If she’s surprised by my reaction, I can’t tell.
“Yes. Of course.” She stacks my textbooks, handing them to me. I grab them, picking up my book bag and stuffing them inside. “Hey, when are you going to start teaching me to surf?”
I shrug. “Whenever you want. Not tomorrow, but maybe… the next day?”
Her sunny smile returns. “I would like that!”
“I’ll text you.” I shoulder my back pack, ready to go. I pause. “And Emma? Thanks.”
She blushes. “No problem. Next time we meet to study, I’ll be more prepared. I’ll get a set of flash cards, I think.”
Fuck, she is really taking this shit seriously. This is probably not going to end how she thinks it’s going to end.
I just incline my head and head off the porch, through her sandy lawn. I glance back once, and see her watching me, those bright blue eyes taking everything in.
This was not a good idea,I think as I head home.