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Am I intimidated? You bet.

Am I going to show that to Sunday? No way.

Do I have any idea what she’s up to? Not a clue.

I’m for damn sure curious though.

Neither of us has spoken a word to each other since we got in the car. I want to ask her where we are going, but I figure I’ll find out when we get there. Within a few minutes, Sunday pulls into a front row spot of a small shopping center. She doesn’t move to get out, and I follow her lead.

“We’re here,” she tells me.

“Okay, and what exactly am I helping you with?” I keep my voice professional and courteous.

Sunday is my boss, and my job mostly consists of paperwork, so I have no idea what she needs from me here.

“We’re not here for work.”

“We’re not?” I’m not sure why I play dumb. I already had my suspicions.

“No, we’re not.” She pauses and removes her sunglasses. “We’re going to get pedicures, my treat.”

I don’t buy that, not entirely.

“We’re skipping work to get our toenails painted?”

Sunday laughs and says, “I might have ulterior motives. I want to talk.”

“Can I ask, is this unplanned girls’ day to talk about work or . . .” I let the question hang.

There is no Brazen and me. Nothing between us has gone past friendship. He hugged me the other night when the moment felt so right for a kiss, but that was it, so finishing my sentence feels presumptuous.

“You like him?”

“He’s my boss. He gave me a job. Of course I like him.”

“That isn’t what I meant, and you know it. Listen, you seem really sweet, but Brazen is like a brother to me, and I’d do anything for him. I’ve seen countless girls take advantage of his kindness. He sees them as lessons and experiences, but I know they just simply weren’t good enough for him. I, myself, have put him through a lot, too. I just need to make sure he’s happy, sooner rather than later.”

Well, I guess that answers the question of whether Brazen is into me or not. After all, if he had zero interest, then this conversation wouldn’t be happening. I suppress the little voice in my head that’s yelling and screaming in happiness and nod. I get what she’s saying. I also respect it. If I had a friendship as deep as theirs, I’d be the same way. Sunday is looking out for Brazen. The only issue here is that she might be a little too premature in her worry. Whatever is happening between him and me hasn’t developed yet. I can’t even be certain he wants it to go any further at all.

“So, would it be too forward for me to ask what exactly he said to you to prompt this conversation?” I bite my lip. I’m sure Sunday knows more than I do, I’m just not sure if she’ll tell me.

“I’ll let Brazen handle that question. I’ve been involved enough, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Noah.” A huge smile spreads across her face that brings me comfort. “Make him happy, please. No matter what happens, just make him happy.”

“Sunday, is there something you’re not telling me?”

She has secrets in her every word. I can feel it.

“No. You ready?” She looks down and away.

I can’t do much besides let her hide her unspoken truths and play along.

“I’ve never gotten my nails done before.” Yet another thing I haven’t done.

“Girl, are you serious?” So much shock.

“Um, yeah.”