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Sunday barely even blinks as she studies me for something. “Wow, I expected to hear you say you were interested, but I didn’t think I was going to get all that. I know, after pushing so hard, I’m going to sound crazy, but I have to ask, are you sure?”

“Is anyone ever really sure about this type of thing?” I counter.

“At some point, yeah, I think so.” She drops the pamphlet back on the desk.

“I’m as sure as I can be. It’s early, and there are all the other excuses we have already been over, so, no, I’m not sure, but I’m positive I don’t want to regret not finding out.”

She sighs loudly. A piece of her hair flutters from the whoosh of air she lets out. Before she can respond, Noah walks in, interrupting our conversation.

Sunday drags her eyes from me and looks at Noah.

I smile as I take in Noah, who’s wearing another little sundress.

Noah looks back and forth between us and fidgets a bit. It’s really fucking cute.

Sunday rises from Noah’s desk and shoots me a look that gives me pause.

I stand a bit too hurriedly, and it causes Noah’s apprehension to grow.

“You”—she points at Noah, who seems to be puzzling something out—“let’s go.”

What the hell is she doing? Didn’t we just get done talking about how I was going to make my move? Where the hell is she taking Noah?

Sunday turns, her finger swinging in my direction, her smile stretching into a wicked grin. “You need to be on site in less than twenty minutes for a delivery.” Sunday looks at her watch as she tells me what I already know.

“Where are you going, Sun?”

“Call it a field trip. Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of our assistant.”

Why can’t she just leave well enough alone?

I try to connect with Noah from a distance, but the girl who has been the topic of conversation this morning only shrugs and follows my best friend out the door without a word to me.

Great. I’m not sure where my conversation with Sunday ended up or what her plan is, but I guess I’ll just have to let the cards play out. Sunday has never had a bad intention for me in our lives. Just to be certain, I send her a text.

Me: Sunday, behave.

Sunday: Of course! Now that I know how serious you are about her, surely, I should get to know her. Don’t worry; I’ll only require three personal references and narrow the personality quiz down to fifty questions.

Sunday, the comedian. Her humor and sarcasm don’t settle my nerves.

Her response was a joke, right?