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Every time Brazen laughed yesterday, I craved to make him do it again. There is a power in the way my words transform his face so immensely. The lines around his mouth deepen, and his eyes hold a light that tugs me to him. I felt so high when I was making him laugh that, when he pulled the rug out from beneath me by refusing to answer my question about Sunday, the fall was long.

I’m not sure if I’m happy or relieved that it’s the weekend.

I have two full days away from Brazen. Two days to clear my mind.

Or maybe I’ll just muck it up more.

Brazen wants me.

I can feel it.

The way the pad of his thumb stroked my ankle.

The hunger in his eyes that set me on fire.

His deep voice that filled the room with unleashed desire.

His need and want hit me over the head every time he even breathed.

“Are you watching this?” Benson asks.

“No, go ahead,” I answer.

He takes a seat next to me on the couch. Not a strand of his groomed chestnut hair is out of place as he pushes up his black-framed glasses and mans the remote. Things have been so much easier between us since that day we danced to music in the living room. He makes eye contact with me, which seems like a huge step for him.

“How do you like your new job?” he asks as he settles on something to watch.

“It’s only been a few days, but I like it so far.” Okay, so that might be a huge understatement. I love working for Brazen. It’s easy, and whoever set up the clerical side was obviously organized, so that has made learning the ropes easier.

“That Brazen is something else, right?” Benson turns my way but keeps one eye on the television, so he doesn’t miss anything good.

That’s right; my new roommates know my new bosses. I have about a million questions I’d like to ask, but I fight against doing so, resisting the urge to snoop because secondhand information is only gossip. Besides, I want Brazen to tell me what the deal is between him and Sunday. Not Benson.

“Yeah.” Suddenly, I don’t feel like talking about my new job anymore. “So, where are you from, Benson?”

“I’m from Fort Myers. It’s a few hours south of here. I came up to Tampa for college and settled into Bay Harbor once I figured out college wasn’t for me. Just thinking about the germs in a place like that is enough to give me hives.”

“You didn’t finish?”

College definitely isn’t for everyone. Frankly, I’ve never really thought it was for me either. Not because of the germs Benson is afraid of, but because I’m not convinced my previous schooling prepared me for that sort of academics.

“No, but I’ve always been good with technology, so I think I landed on my feet.”

“That’s great, Benson. I’m still looking for my skill.” Art is the only thing I’ve found that brings me happiness, but I’m no Picasso. I’m not going to make a living off my attempt at finger painting.

“Noah, have you ever tried speed dating?” His question kind of comes out of nowhere.

I don’t want to tell him, but I don’t actually know what speed dating is. However, I am positive I’ve never attempted it.

“No, I can’t say I’ve done much dating of any kind.” Very true.

“I want to try it. Will you try it with me? It could be fun.”

“Noah can’t go speed dating because she has a crush on her new boss. Don’t you, Noah?” Madison collapses onto the loveseat, kicking her feet up over the arm and giving me an ear-to-ear grin.

“Shut it, Madison.” I playfully throw a decorative pillow at her head.