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We continue on our typical circle, going around and around without much progress.

“I can’t, not right now.” She steps forward, closing the distance between us. “Promise me something? Promise me one thing, and I’ll get off your case about your persistence to protect me.”

“What is it?”

Sunday and I have been fighting over Matt and her safety for years. I know she doesn’t want me to step in, but I’d do just about anything to actually have this situation handled.

“Give Noah a chance. Open up to her. I’m not crazy. I see something between you two. Don’t shut that out. We’ll figure out the rest later. Promise me?”

“Give her a chance for what, Sunday? I’m her boss! Do you want us to go on dates to the copier? She’s here. I brought her here. Remember? I will inevitably be spending time with her.”

Sunday is asking me for something that I’ve already deemed a horrible idea. She and I are fighting over nothing, over a girl who works for us, over a girl who might not have any interest in me. Who am I kidding? The way Noah looks at me with stars in her eyes test every ounce of my control.

“Spend some time with her outside the office. Take some interest. Get to know her. I’ll back off about your incessant need to protect me if you do that one thing.”

“You realize this is a bad idea, right?”

She smiles in victory and doesn’t answer me.

“Fine. I’ll get to know Noah, but I need you to understand me, too. Something needs to be done about the Matt situation. His obsession with you isn’t your fault, and I know how much he interferes in your life even though you try to hide just how much. We need to do something about him, and you know it! Because, if something ever happened to you, I would never forgive myself. None of the things you’re pushing me to have in my life would be important anymore. I’ve been doing what needs to be done so that the both of us can move on.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I promise. You’re stuck with me.” She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight.

“Okay, Sunday, you win. I give.” I huff in exasperation, and my breath blows her hair.

“Good. Now, go make kissy faces at that pretty girl in there!” She pushes against my chest as she lets me go.

I hate it when she makes light of her non-ex ex-husband. They haven’t been together for years, but Matt is still very much a part of both our lives. Unwelcomed and always in the shadows.