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“What’s going on? Has there been news about Matt’s trial?”

No, that’s still a long way off. We won’t have more information about that piece of garbage for months.

There is no point in beating around the bush, so I just come right out with it. “Noah, I just met your mom.”

“You have to be joking.”

Her posture closes in on itself, and I take big steps toward her so that I can hold her in my arms.

“No, baby, this isn’t a joke. She was outside your old place this morning when I arrived on site. She wants to see you. We went for coffee, and she says she’s just here for you, but I don’t think I believe her. It felt like she was hiding something, and I believe there is definitely something she wasn’t telling me. I took her number down and told her it was up to you.”

I don’t want to scare Noah, but I also want her to be prepared for whatever happens if she decides to meet with Catherine. The minutes of silence stretch on. Noah doesn’t respond or give me any inclination about what she wants to do. My hands run through her hair while she thinks things through. All the while, my disapproval of Catherine runs through my head.

I can be nothing but patient while Noah makes this decision.

So, I stay with her and wait it out, wondering what Noah will do.