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Her hands sweep down my front, and I pucker my lips to kiss her some more. We kiss and talk and touch. Noah spends the day in my lap and eases my worries.

Despite knowing this is what’s best for Sunday, I still worry about what Matt’s reaction is going to be when he finds out she left. I wish I could say for sure if he would look for her or let her go, but I don’t know. I also wonder about Sunday’s parents. She hasn’t spoken to them in years, but does that mean they wouldn’t care that she left? I’ve never understood those two people. I could more easily relate to a piece of wood.

I’m going to miss my friend. A lot.

Needless to say, the workday is unproductive. Mostly, I tell Noah stories about when Sunday and I were younger. When it’s appropriate to call it a day, Noah and I head home. On the drive, part of me still imagines Sunday will be there waiting but that’s only a fantasy. Sunday’s absence is a profoundly heavy blanket covering both of us.

I park, and Noah is the first to get out of the truck.

I linger, needing a second to miss Sunday, but then Noah calls out, “Brazen, I think you should see this.”

She stands to the side of the driveway, looking out into the yard. I come up from behind and stand beside her so that I can see what she does.

“What is it?” I ask, unaware of what has her spooked.

Noah doesn’t answer as she raises her arm so that she can point. Before she even has her finger extended, I see it, and chills run down my spine. Blood. Fuck! This whole day suddenly takes on a new meaning, and I’ve wasted precious hours. I pull my phone from my pocket and fumble as I try to get the screen unlocked. Everything is hazy but clear. My motions are rushed but slow. I’m internally in a panic, but outwardly, I’m composed.

After dialing, an operator picks up, and I speak into the phone, “I need to report a missing person.”