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Sunday’s room is empty.

All of her things are still in their places, but I haven’t heard a word from her.

Not a single word.

She’s gone.

Just like that.


She never came home after her day out with Noah. I know she wasn’t the one calling the shots in her travel agenda, but I have to wonder how much of a heads-up she had. Her disappearance in the middle of the night, free of long-winded good-byes, seems very much like her. We had our day together after she told me her plans, and then she spent time with Noah, the woman she knows I love.

At work, her desk is cluttered with her knickknacks, and her files are still organized, according to her precise system, but she isn’t sitting in her chair. It’s quiet, too quiet, when Noah walks into the office, wearing one of her dresses that always makes my breath stutter.

“Morning, babe.” I look from the empty desk to my girl near the door.

“She’s gone. Isn’t she?”

It’s amazing how well Noah can read me. One look, and she already has the situation totally scoped out. That’s bad news for me if I ever try to pull off a surprise for her in the future.

“Yeah, I think she is.” I wave her over to me.

Noah sits in my lap with her arms around me. I soak in everything I can. My love for her and the strength she brings flood through me.

“Are you okay?” she asks while still hugging me tightly.

“I’ll be fine.” Eventually. “Did you two have fun yesterday?”

“We did. It was a day filled with all the fun activities I never did while growing up.” She lays her head on my chest, and her constant dessert smell wafts my way.

I rub my hands against her back and think about how different things are going to be without Sunday.

“Tell me about it.” I want to hear all about Sunday’s last day here with my girlfriend. I’m glad those two had time together before she left.

Noah tells me about the group of boys during laser tag and how they finally got the better of them. Those kids probably saw the two most beautiful girls they’d ever laid eyes on and didn’t know what else to do but continuously shoot them with their laser guns. She tells me about the games they played afterward, and it sounds like she did have a really good time.

I’m glad.

“You know, I could get used to working with you all curled up in my lap.”

Noah’s dress has risen salaciously high against her thigh because of her position, and my hands go to her legs.

She snorts out a snicker. “But how would we get anything done?”

“Like this.”

And I show her by pressing my lips to hers. She kisses me back, and I know Noah will get me through missing Sunday. Nothing will replace her, and the wound surrounding Sunday’s absence will never heal, but it’ll get easier with this amazing girl I get to kiss.

“Your business would go under, and I don’t think you can pay the bills on kisses,” she says as she continues to embrace me through fits of soft feminine laughter.

“I don’t know. Steve down at the bank looks like he’d really enjoy it if I laid one on him. How much tongue do you think equals out one mortgage payment?”

Being silly with her makes this day a little easier. Noah is my light in any bout of darkness.

“Oh, that would take a whole lot of tongue, maybe even some over-the-clothes action.”