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“Maddy and Steph both grew up dirt poor with a junkie for a mother. While Madison has worked hard to give herself a stable future, Stephanie will do anything she can to have financial security without having to work too hard. She seems to see Matt as her savior and won’t fault him for anything he does.”

“Money can’t be worth all that.” Nothing could be worth the bruises Sunday suffered.

“It’s not. Stephanie just hasn’t figured that out yet. Her focus is too set on what she wants. Sadly, she probably won’t figure it out until it’s too late.”

“That’s awful.” There is true compassion within me for Brazen’s ex. “But, wait, I don’t get it. If Matt is with Stephanie, why is he still hung up on Sunday?”

“I don’t know the answer to that. She’s the one who got away? Matt shows up, uninvited, in Sunday’s life, but so does Steph. The amount of things Sun has been through with those two is overwhelming. Once Steph gets wind of any of Matt’s visits to Sunday, there is almost always a visit from Stephanie within the next few days.”

“How bad is it with her?”

“She screams, yells, and causes a scene outside Sunday’s house. She’s mostly just hot air, but she’s broken windows and destroyed other parts of her property. The both of them make Sunday’s life hell. It’s an unhealthy circle of drama.”

“Sunday doesn’t need any of that.”

I lean back into Brazen, and the world stills around us. Even with so much going on, so much disheartening conversation, we can find comfort in one another. I started off this day dreading the activities that were going on outside my bedroom and the words hidden inside that envelope, but knowing the sense of security I feel with Brazen, I finally feel ready to face the words written to me by my mother.

“Wait here for me? There’s something I need to get,” I ask Brazen, already standing.

“Of course,” he answers.

My legs feel heavy as I walk the distance back to the house.

Will I find truth in that letter or only more pain?