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On a day about family, these two new, important people follow me over to the dining room. Brazen makes himself a plate, which is filled high enough to feed five of me. Sunday nibbles on finger food off a napkin and winces as she chews. My stomach growls, and I notice my hunger for the first time today.

“Really, guys, thanks for coming.” I’m grateful I don’t have to enjoy the food I helped prepare alone in my room.

I hold on to my own plate as Brazen leans down to give me a quick kiss. There is a hint of macaroni salad on his lips. The side dish has never been so delicious as it is when mixed with Brazen.

“Don’t mention it, babe. We’re really happy to be here with you.” Brazen pulls back and returns to his food.

“Yeah, I have a listing in the area anyway,” Sunday adds, playing it cool.

A crash sounds around the corner, and while Sunday jumps, Brazen jolts into action, setting his plate down and rushing toward the noise. I follow behind. Madison’s mom is lying on the floor with her own daughter attempting and failing to hold her up. The woman on the floor groans, but it is more like a sound of pleasure than pain. Madison looks up at Brazen, mortified.

“I have this, Maddy,” he tells my roommate.

Madison stands, and Brazen swoops in.

“I can’t believe she did this here. She knows she isn’t allowed to use in my home.” Madison sounds panicked as she looks to the man holding up her mother.

“I’ll take her back to your bedroom, so she can sober up there.”

Is this a regular occurrence? There is disappointment surrounding the scene but not really as much surprise as I would think there would be.

Madison nods. “Thank you.”

After her words, he disappears down the hallway as Madison frowns, watching them.

“It’ll be okay, Maddy.” Sunday offers words of comfort.

The house quakes as the front door opens and slams shut. Angry heels click and clack our way. Sunday recoils, as if she already knows what’s about to come, and out of instinct, I put myself between her and whoever is headed our way.

“Isn’t this nice, Madison? You have her here but not your own sister. Are you just trying to do everything you can to betray me?” The girl who just barreled in is a shapelier version of Madison, wearing a lot more makeup and perfume than anyone should.

“Stephanie, don’t do this. Don’t give Maddy a hard time. I’ll go. There is enough going on,” Sunday speaks up, but it only works to further anger the girl.

“Save it, Sunday, and don’t think you’re fooling anyone with all that makeup. Why are you still desperately seeing Matt? Why can’t you just leave him alone? He’s happy with me!”

Things become clear. Sunday’s long history with Madison’s sister and the animosity I’ve heard about between the two family members. Stephanie, Madison’s sister, is dating Matt, Sunday’s abuser.

Sunday pulls the brim of her hat lower after the mention of what’s under her makeup. “You don’t really believe that garbage, do you? Matt will never be happy with anyone. The sooner you realize that, the better. And, no matter how much money he has, you’ll never be happy either. You’ll be scared and in danger for as long as you stay with him. Please, trust me.” She gestures to her obvious abrasions.

Stephanie just sneers. “You’re wrong because I can give him children. I won’t lose the one thing he cares about most. Just sign the damn papers, so he and I can move on.”

Sunday steps back, as if she were just literally struck instead of figuratively with hurtful words. Before I know what I’m doing, my feet move. My open hand swings. The sting vibrates up my hand.

Holy. Crap.

I just hit someone for the first time ever in my life.

“That’s enough,” I speak up.

Sunday has been through enough, and clearly, someone needs to slap some damn sense into the girl in front of me. Okay, that is a poor choice of mental commentary, but whatever.

“You bitch!” Stephanie holds her hand to her reddened cheek and storms my way.

A knot of fear twists in the pit of my stomach.

“Stephanie!” Madison’s voice sounds like I’ve never heard it before. “You weren’t invited. I’m really not even sure why you’re here.” Madison grabs on to Stephanie’s shoulder before she can reach me. “I won’t have you trashing Sunday or going after Noah, especially since you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. You need to leave.”

“I came here to find Mom. Is she unavailable to me just because I’m not invited to your little Family Day?” Stephanie spins on Madison and knocks her hand from touching her.