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He sets me down on the floor, and snot runs from my nose as I try to understand what he’s saying.

“You’ll be okay. I know you will. I can already see that you’re a fighter. Don’t let this break you, little one.”

Maybe he’s not so scary, but I still don’t know why I’m here or what he means.

“Am I here because I was bad? Because I went outside? Is this my time-out?”

Time-outs are not fun. I don’t like them. I try to be a good girl.

“No! Don’t ever think that. You did nothing wrong, Noah. Whatever happens from here on out, please know that none of this is your fault. You got dealt a bad hand, kid, and I’m sorry.” He pats my head, and his fingers get caught in my snarls.

“Does Mommy still love me?”

His mouth hangs open, and his eyes get sad. “That’s a big question, Noah, but I think parents always love their children, even when they can’t be around for them. For now though, you’re going to have to live here.”

Live here? What about my teddy and Mommy? What about my toys? I don’t understand. This place is too big. It’s too dark. I don’t wanna live here. I want my bed and my Elmo nightlight.

“Mommy! Mommy! I want my mommy!” I shout.

A woman appears from down a hallway, and I cling on to the man’s leg.

“The quicker you go, the better. She won’t calm down until we get her settled,” she says to the man who brought me here.

Is he going to leave, too? I just started to like him.

He leans down so that his face is next to mine. “I’m sorry this happened, Noah.”

He removes my hands from his pant leg and leaves me on the floor.

I scream until I start to feel dizzy, and then … everything … goes … dark.