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“We’ve been over this! Noah is as sweet and innocent as they come. Look at her!” She gestures my way, and then they both turn to look at me.

I shrug, not really knowing what else to do.

“We’re perfectly safe. Noah probably couldn’t even hurt a spider!”

I’m watching their argument like a ping-pong game, back and forth from Madison to Benson as they keeping hitting the ball over the net to the other, until Benson directs his attention back at me.

“Is she telling the truth, or do you have plans to plot against us? There are a lot of people that are up to no good. Are you one of them?”

I’d have sworn the question came from a small child if I hadn’t seen Benson ask me himself.

I really want to tell him that, if I were plotting, I wouldn’t tell him the truth, but it’s clear that would only send him into a panic attack. Plus, he sounds so genuinely scared that I can’t bring myself to mess with him on this.

“I swear on Lana Del Rey that I’d never poison you, I’m not a government spy, and I’m not plotting anything,” I pledge, holding my hand up like I’m swearing in.

“You can’t lie on a promise to Lana,” he reasons.

“I know.” I’m not going to argue with that argument. No way.

“I was really scared about getting another roommate,” he confesses as he looks over his shoulder.

“Don’t let anyone scare you, Benson, especially me. I’m harmless, I swear.”

“Do you want to sing again?” He’s already moving to the stereo, dropping our eccentric conversation.

“Absolutely!” I join him, helping out with the chores while rocking out. “Madison, you, too! Come on!”

Brazen gave me a job. The art center fell into my lap. I won over Benson. I’d say today has shaped up to be a pretty great day.