Page 21 of Deeper

“My mom was an addict. I think she was my whole life, but when my dad passed, she couldn’t keep it hidden anymore.”

“Things got bad after your dad died? I mean, your relationship with her?”

“Yeah, Tatum. Things got bad between my mom and me.” Real bad.

“I’m sorry, Rylan. I can’t even imagine.”

“It’s okay. It’s in the past.” Is it though? Sometimes, I have trouble believing the things we go through ever really leave us completely.

I open my computer, shutting down my emotions. I told Tatum she could ask me anything, but I’ve never been great at opening up, especially about my mom.

Tatum takes my hint. “I should probably head over to group, so I’m not late.”

I figuratively brush the dark clouds from around my head, striving for normalcy. “Tatum, how long have you been going to those meetings?”

“I’ve been going every week for about six months.” She stands and reaches for her purse.

“And you go on your own? No one is mandating you to attend?”

Tatum edges away from our table. “Yep, all me. Sometimes, you just need to adjust the bolts and tighten the screws. I really need to go now.”

Tatum leaves, and I’m left alone, still thinking about my life after my dad died. I planned to work on my latest article, but instead of working, I lightly tap the keys and allow the blank page to mock me.