I grinned, basking in the sound, in her light.That was what she was to us.Our fucking light that shone like a beacon in all our darkness.No wonder Luca had been so drawn to her before she was even born.Looking back, I’d been half in love with her for most of my life.But it was Shaw, my dimples, who would always hold the bigger part of my heart.
All too quickly, the sound faded, along with her glow, threatening to leave me in darkness again.“Fuck it,” I snarled, not accepting it.“Right now, words aren’t going to get through to you.But I’ll make you see, sweetheart.We all will.By the end of this weekend, you will never doubt how fucking hot you are.My cock is dripping for you right now, Vi.”
“But how?”she asked weakly.“When I’m between you and Luca, I can’t believe that two of the sexiest men in the world want me.You both wanting Shaw, I understand.But…I’m just me.And there’s so much more of me now.”
“Just you,” I repeated, confused.“Just you?Gods, woman, you have no idea.None at all.You are everything.The motherfucking world.Just you?I can’t fucking live without you!”
My mouth slammed down on hers, my tongue demanding entrance.Taking it.She was insane.Just her.Whatever my mom did to the fuckers who’d made my sweet Violet doubt herself wasn’t enough.Those bastards needed to feel pain.For years.
All the hunger that had been building was pushed back with force.My need for her would have to wait.Making sure she understood what I felt for her, the desperation that was like a live wire just below my skin at all times, that was what was important.
Pulling back, I pushed off my swim trunks before lifting her and carefully placing her in the middle of the bed.It was big enough that the four of us could comfortably sleep in it, and I planned to do just that later.Having Shaw and Vi between me and Luca all night.Fuck, I couldn’t wait.It would be the best night’s sleep of my life.I was already sure.
Vi’s hair was spread out, having fallen from the knot she’d kept it in all day.She had on the necklace Shaw had given her when we’d gotten the tattoos.A charm with twin swans on it, marking her as our soul mate.Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her tits quivering with each breath.I loved her tits.How many times in the last few years had I fucked them while Shaw ate her out and Luca fucked Shaw from behind?
Not nearly enough.
I let my eyes skim lovingly over her from head to toe.My hunger burned out of them, no doubt giving me a manic appearance.She did this to me.Her stomach wasn’t flat.Stretch marks dotted her abdomen.I loved that pooch.Those marks and the C-section scar that went from one pubic bone to the other were sexy as fuck.Luca’s kids had grown inside her, just as mine had inside Shaw.Vi had been there for the births of both my daughters.Without her, I would have lost my mind as I watched Shaw struggle through the labor.
Violet’s legs were spread wide, their thickness calling to me.Whenever she wrapped her legs around my head, I could come in two seconds flat if I didn’t control myself.With Shaw, Luca and I could be as rough as we wanted.But with Vi, we had to be more careful.Gentle.
Love her slow and tender.
My eyes got to the tip of her toes before I touched her again.Goose bumps popped up at the first graze of my fingertips over the inside of her legs.When I got to her knees, her breath hitched, and I could scent her arousal, her pussy already glistening with her juice.I licked my lips, anticipating the way she would taste.
“Your mind might have doubts, but your body knows, sweetheart,” I told her as I licked up her slit, spreading her lips so I could see all that pretty pink inside.“This gorgeous body that makes my head want to explode when I see it.This stars in my wettest dreams.This body that takes my cock so good up the ass.She knows I can’t live without it.She knows I would give up everything but my wife simply to breathe the same air as her.”
“Jagger,” she moaned, twisting her fingers in my hair.
“Doesn’t she, Vi,” I growled against her clit.“Godsdamn it, doesn’t she!”
“Yes,” she whined, lifting her hips to ride my tongue.“Please, please, I need it.I want you.I love you.”
“Fucking love you too.”I thrust into her harder than I normally would, but I couldn’t restrain myself.Not this time.Not when she needed me to leave my mark.Fuck her so hard I imprinted my cock inside her.Bruises on her pussy, her thighs.Her neck.I didn’t care that people would see them and think Luca had done it.
I would know.
We would know.
Her pussy clenched around me, tighter than it ever should be with how often I knew Luca stretched it out.He lived inside her like I did in Shaw.If I could have them both every day, I would.
She raked her nails down my back as I pounded into her.“Yes, Jagger.You feel so good.”
I pushed back onto my knees, wanting to watch as her pussy took my dick.As soon as I did, however, she covered her jiggling tits with her hands.
“No,” I seethed, pounding into her again.Grabbing her hands, I uncovered her body.“You don’t hide this from me.From any of us.Ever.”
Her chin quivered.“But I jiggle like Jell-O.”
“Sweetheart, do you not understand that I love that?”I bottomed out inside her and kissed her.“Do you not realize that watching your ass ripple while I’m ten inches deep gets me so hard I can’t breathe?I love your body, Vi.Shaw and Luca, they love your body.We can’t get enough of it.”
“I feel so embarrassed when I see everything flapping around,” she confessed, dropping her eyes to my chest.“Everyone kept talking about me for weeks.Like I wasn’t even a person.I tried so hard not to listen, Jags.To block it out.I know it’s nonsense.The way Luca fucks me, how you and Shaw touch me… It feels so good to be wanted like that.But then I see my muffin top or the cellulite on my thighs or my bra will feel weird, and I—”
“What can we do to stop that noise, Vi?”
She shook her head.“I don’t know if there is anything you can do.I mean, it’s not like we can all be together every minute of the day.”
“I wish,” I grumbled.