“But it’s too early,” she said, startled. “How did they get here so fast?”

“We don’t know, but we need to move into position.”

Her head swam as she tried to process what this meant. Rhodes and his guards were preparing to attack Mount Weather. “But we’re not ready—”

“We have to be ready,” the man said. “Time to move.”

Clarke jumped from her seat and wiped tears from her face, grateful that everyone else would be too preoccupied to ask why she was crying. Without a backward glance at the flashing lights and endless hiss and crackle of the radio, she ran from the room, ready to arm herself for battle.



Bellamy’s shoulder didn’t hurt anymore. The adrenaline coursing through his body was better than any painkiller. He hopped from one foot to the other and shook out his hands, which were itching for a weapon. He couldn’t decide what would be more satisfying—sending one of his perfectly aimed arrows right through Rhodes’s throat or thrusting a spear into his chest.

The Earthborns were gathering in the cavernous hall that had become their command center. Many of the adults were arming themselves with knives, spears, and the odd bow, while others were preparing to lead the children and the elderly deeper into the fortress. Bellamy reached for a bow, his brow furrowing in concentration as he tested the string.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Clarke asked quietly. “You were shot, Bel. You have a long way to go before you’re fully recovered.”

“Save your breath, Griffin,” he said as he began rooting around for arrows. “You know there’s no way in hell I’m letting these people risk their lives for me while I sit around twiddling my thumbs.”

“Just be careful.” Her face was pale, and her eyes were red. In the few minutes they’d had together, preparing for the fight, she’d told him about speaking to her parents. But there was no time to celebrate that small miracle; they both had to focus their attention on the task at hand—making Vice Chancellor Rhodes regret he’d ever set foot on Earth.

“Careful is my middle name,” he said, placing a few arrows that had passed his inspection to the side.

She smiled. “I believe you’ve also said the same thing about Danger and Victory.”

“That’s me. Bellamy Careful Danger Victory Blake.”

“I’m jealous. I don’t even have one middle name.”

“Oh, I can think of a few that would suit you,” Bellamy said, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Let’s see, how about Clarke Know-It-All… Bossy…” She rolled her eyes and smacked him playfully on the chest. He smirked and pulled her closer, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “… Brilliant… Sexy Griffin.”

“I’m not sure all that will fit on an office door, but I like it.”

“Everybody ready?” Wells asked, striding toward them. His whole demeanor had changed. Although he was only wearing a faded, stained T-shirt, and ripped, slightly too-short pants, he moved like he was still wearing his officer’s uniform. A few weeks ago, Wells’s bearing might’ve irritated Bellamy, but right now, he felt grateful that his brother was so capable.

“I’m more than ready,” Bellamy said, trying to psych everyone up. He reached over to bump fists with Felix, who was pale and shifting from side to side nervously. “I can’t wait to kick some Colony-Guard ass.” Bellamy shot Wells a devilish grin.

“I wish I had your confidence,” Felix said.

“It’s not confidence,” Bellamy quipped. “It’s arrogance. There’s a big difference.”

“Whatever it is, it’s a good thing,” said Wells to Bellamy’s surprise. “We’re going to need it.”

At Max’s nod, Wells stepped to the front of the room, which quickly fell silent, although the tension was so thick, the air practically buzzed with it.

“Friends,” Max began, his tone grave. “We have news that there are about two dozen Colonists approaching Mount Weather. In just a moment, we will go to our appointed positions and prepare to fight. They have arrived much more quickly than we expected them to, but rest assured, we’ll meet them with all our might. And remember: Our goal is not to inflict harm, but to prevent them from committing senseless acts of violence against others. If we need to use strength to protect ourselves, then so be it. But that is not our purpose.”

He turned to nod at Wells, who cleared his throat as he prepared to address the crowd. “As we expected, they’re carrying guns… lots of them, so be careful and don’t take any unnecessary risks. But although they might have firearms, they’re not infallible.” He went on to explain a little about how the guards trained, the formations they used, and the tactics they were most likely to employ—it was a good thing they had insider information from Wells’s days as an officer, Bellamy realized.

“The thing to remember,” Max said, “is that we’re not just fighting to protect these young people who’ve turned to us for help, we’re fighting to protect our way of life. We’ve tried to reason with our new neighbors, but it’s become increasingly clear that peace and cooperation is not their priority. If we don’t deal with them now, there’s no knowing what they’ll try next time.” He paused, scanning the room. “I’ve already lost my daughter… I couldn’t bear to lose any of you.” He took a breath, and a new fierceness crept into his voice. “Our people have struggled against enormous odds, but we have persevered. Others might’ve left Earth to burn, but we stayed behind and fought to keep it our home.”