Josephine:You’re looking in the mirror, aren’t you?
This woman had no right knowing him so well. No right. And he couldn’t figure out what he’d done to get so lucky. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t alone. He had a... friend. A friend he couldn’t stop looking at half naked. Jesus Christ, thosethighs.
Wells:You still want it?
Josephine:Want what?
Wells:Your picture of this juicy peach, belle. You still want it?
It was a good thing Wells was already unfastening his pants and turning around, so the mirror was reflecting his backside. He’d checked out his own ass plenty of times in the mirror, but he’d never actually taken a bathroom selfie of the damn thing. It took him a few minutes to (a.) find the right angle/lighting and (b.) flex without making itlooklike he was flexing. But in the end, ha, he got a shot that passed inspection and fired it over.
No response.
Yanking his pants back up, buttoning them, he waited. Waited more. Maybe she’d gotten in the shower?
No, she’d take a bath. She loved that tub.
His condo in Miami had a massive one that he never used, but for some reason, he was suddenly very glad it was there. No conceivable reason.
And now his dick was hard imagining Josephine in his bathtub, caddie uniform plastered to her body. He’d get in there with her. She’d probably make a beard out of the bubbles or some shit—and why did that make his windpipe feel eight times smaller?
He was aroused... both physically and emotionally?
What exactly was he supposed to do aboutthat?
Willing his erection to subside, because they’d agreed to flirt and trade pictures, notsleep together, Wells stripped off the clothes he’d worn all day and took a shower, somehow withstanding the temptation to stroke away the frustration.
On one hand, he didn’t have to live with the guilt.
On the other, his balls were stiffer than fucking doorknobs.
Great trade-off.
When he got out of the shower, she still hadn’t answered his text.
All right, now he was starting to get self-conscious. Had she changed her mind about his ass? Better to go ask in person than send some thirsty text, right? Hair still wet, dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, Wells found himself taking the elevator to Josephine’s floor, because apparently, he just wanted to make the pain worse. Somehow, though, staying away from her was its own brand of pain.
“Someone, please, tell me what to do about this girl,” Wells muttered, banging a little too loud on her door. “It’s me.”
After a beat, she answered. “Who is me?”
A vein throbbed in his forehead. “The only man you should be expecting,” he shouted.
“Relax.” She laughed, opening the door, skin lookingquiteflushed. Interesting. What had she been up to before he knocked? Oh, he had some idea. “I know golfers are weirdly territorial about their caddies, but you’ve really made it an art form.”
Wells couldn’t do anything but stare at the freshly scrubbed and shiny being standing in front of him. In bare feet and a bathrobe. He had a picture on his phone of this woman in nothing but a cropped mesh tank top. He’d sent her a picture of his ass. Were they just going to pretend that wasn’t true? Wells didn’t know. He knew only that, by some phenomenon, she looked equally incredible in the robe as she did half naked. “Uh... what?”
She shook her head at him. “Never mind. Are you going to come in?”
He held up his phone and pointed at it. “Well?”
“Well, what?”
“My ass selfie, belle,” he exploded. “You didn’t send back a single fire emoji. Are your thumbs broken?”
“I was...” She flapped her hands around. “I didn’t know how to respond.”