And nothing had ever seemed to count this much.
This woman... she counted. Big-time. His gut wasn’t in fucking knots over nothing.
Wells paced across the hardwood floor in the direction of the water cooler, but he drew up short when something outside the glass double-doored entrance moved, out of the corner of his eye. The resort pool was right outside the gym, glowing like agreen jewel in the darkness, and a silhouette he knew very well stood peering through the gate.
He walked straight into the glass door.
The smack of his knee and forehead colliding with the glass, followed by a loud reverberation, made Josephine whip around, startled, then finally deflate with relief when she saw him. “Did you just walk into the door?” came her muffled question from outside.
“No. Iknockedon it.” Hastily, he exited, letting the door swing shut behind him, cutting off an elevator-music version of “Old Town Road.” “To get your attention.”
A twinkle danced in her eye. “Right...”
Just like he hadn’t put his hoodie on backward after they’d nearly gotten busy on the couch. His entire equilibrium was off, thanks to her. Even his depth perception felt skewed as he approached her in the early morning fog. “I really wish you wouldn’t go out alone at odd hours like this, belle.”
She gave him a once-over, taking in his gym shorts and sweaty T-shirt. “You’re out at odd hours.”
“Yes, but I’m big and mean. You’re short and sweet.” Ignoring her pursed lips, he eyed the emerald pool lying beyond her shoulder. “Were you planning on going for a swim?”
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit with me, so I was just going to stick my feet in.” She reached out and rattled the gate leading into the pool area. “It’s closed. I had a hunch it would be, but I figured I’d take the walk, anyway.”
“Mmmm.” Wells slipped the room key out of his pocket and approached the locked gate, taking a moment to study the mechanism. He lifted the handle slightly, then slid his card down between the slot and the metal tab, popping it open. “ ‘Closed’ is a subjective term.”
Josephine blinked. “Hotel security might feel differently.”
“At this time of the morning, it’s one guy in a golf cart and he’s probably sleeping.” He tucked his tongue into the inside of his cheek. “Do you want to get wet or not?”
“Wow.” She pushed his shoulder. “Real nice.”
“I was talking to your feet.”
Lips twitching with mirth, she walked past Wells through the gate he held open, circling to a shadowed section of the pool and sitting down on the concrete edge. Wells watched her as he approached, enjoying the way she pulled her knees up to her chest, slipping off her sandals and setting them side by side. So neatly. She rolled her pajama pants up to her knees and tested the water with her big toe, before dropping both of them beneath the surface, sighing and tipping her head back, eyes drifting shut.
“Are you going to join me?” she asked.
Was that a real question? He’d only gone to the fitness center in the first place to prevent himself from waking her up too early. Just so he could be around her.Andfind out how she felt about last night. Right now, she was giving away absolutely nothing.
Watching her closely for signs of regret, Wells toed off his sneakers and peeled off his socks, tossing them into a heap in the middle of the walkway. He joined her on the ledge and sank his feet into the cool water. Taking advantage of the fact that her eyes were still closed, her head tipped back, he ran his attention down the front of her throat and literally felt his pupils expand. Did he have the freedom to lean over and sample that skin with his tongue or were they still figuring out when, where, and how it was okay to touch?
“I was going to come knock on your door,” Wells found himself saying, with little to no prompting from his brain. Now she was looking at him and he had no choice but to qualify that with more words. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t feel weird aboutwhat happened. Wanted to get on the same page before our tee time.”
She leaned back on her hands, considering him. Outwardly, she was the picture of nonchalance, but even in the moonlight, he could see a slight flush on her neck. “Do I seem weird about it?”
“No,” he said slowly. “Then again, you’re out wandering the grounds before dawn.”
She wet her lips, rolled her left shoulder. “All right, I’ll admit I was a little caught off guard by the way you left so fast.”
That admission made his pulse scatter like a bag of dropped Skittles. “I left so fast because I was caught off guard.”
“By what?”
“How good it was.” When relief showed up in her green eyes, his sweat turned clammy on his skin. Had his leaving her room so quickly caused her to feel insecure? “I don’t know, my brain just kind of switched off when we started kissing. It’s never done that before.”
Were her cheeks rosier now or was that a trick of the moonlight? She looked almost... pleased by the fact that he’d lost his ability to think when her mouth touched his. At least one of them was cool with it. He might as well have ridden a roller coaster backward. “What do you usually think about during sex?” she asked, finally.
Red flags waved in front of his face. “Josephine, this conversation isn’t happening.”